Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weight Weport #4: Four Week Update

Well, it ain't great, but it's better than gaining.
I lost .2 pounds this week. That's a total of 8.4 so far, which is just over 2 a week-- a good, healthy, doable way to lose it.

I know exactly what went wrong (that is, why I didn't drop more). Three things:
1) I didn't track my points. Lousy guesswork.
2) I had a defeat at the very battleground where I had a victory not long ago--Dunkin Donuts. I made the mistake of taking Joel there on Friday as a reward for his long, hard week. Who am I kidding? MINE was hard, and I fell back into the "I deserve a reward" mentality. And it's not like I made one bad decision to go to DD, I made several. I went in, not through or past. I bought Joel an ice cream cone and shut my wallet, but then scanned the ice cream case because our DD (maybe all of them?) shares space with Baskin Robbins. I saw all those 31derful flavors and it made me reminisce about my Granny Tola who owned a Baskins store in Lawrence, KS, when I was a kid. Naturally she gave us grandkids whatever flavor we wanted whenever we wanted ( a rarity since we lived a few hours away and seldom visited). My rationale was "I'm eating in remembrance of Granny." Stupid. Mind you, if I were partaking of a half ounce of grape juice and a morsel o' matzah in remembrance of Jesus, I'd have nothing to ask forgiveness for. But I was not only eating out of nostalgia, I was also mourning the loss of Denise, and decided to add to God's comfort a scoop of jamocha almond fudge.
3) I was lax about exercise. I really need 5-6 days of it every week. I did 3.5. That's not enough to offset the chocolate chip Teacher Appreciation cookies given by two different students, nor the ice cream, the pasta, and the extra sleep I got over the long weekend.

This week I start again. I am going to ask for your prayers for motivation. Losing just a pound in two weeks is hard on my motivation. I am feeling stronger, am seeing definition in my forearms, and am easily able to walk 15 more minutes on the treadmill than I could a month ago, and have less chin than I did when I started.

So those are my victories. And that's my weight weport for this week.


  1. Be encouraged, dear heart. He who promised is faithful, and He'll help you do your part!

  2. Just a few thinks:
    1. jamocha almond fudge is Mike's favorite of all. We used to have B.R. in Hutch and this was his fave! (He got me started on it too.)
    2. In "celebration" of Christine's last day of CNA classes, we went to Sonic (Do you have Sonic Drive-Ins there?) and I pigged out on stupid onion rings (gross) and a disappointing hamburger (Bleck)and a Dr. Pepper (super sweet), I ordered the "value meal" since it's always cheaper. In the process of eating in our car (dumb) I dropped my hamburger bun. Bounce, bounce, bounce first on the t-shirt I was wearing since my tummy got in the way I guess (bounce, bounce), then onto one jean leg, then the next, then onto the car floor. I got ketchup/ mayo, pickle juice, grease and the like all over me. And the greasy breading from the onion rings kept dropping on my shirt and pants, so in short I looked like I had been in a food fight... and all this sitting still, in the car under the Sonic Awning. Grrr! How much I deserved all that is how I felt! And how unsatisfying THE FOOD. And how glad I was that all errands were done and how I hoped we could make it home without being seen! This is a long comment and maybe it is poor taste going on about food when you are in need of self-control, BUT my point is that it is so worth it to keep on track (or treadmill) and all that grease (more ingested than on my clothes) is NOT worth it! As Christine and I sat there and I growled, groaned and griped, first at Sonic for making such greasy messy food, then rightly at myself for my lack of self-control, I thought of your battle and that I need to get in the field too. UGH! (Looking through old photos has been a reality check too!)
    So for what it's worth, there's my story and I'd like to change the next chapter! You're still an inspiration, Zoanna! Keep up the good work! Get back in the game and keep the motivation in His grace and strength.
    Whew! I'm done.
    (Are you getting weary of my long comments?)

  3. I never weary of long comments. I was thinking tonight, while listening to Dennis Rainey talk about how men need to learn to talk "woman", I should post in "man" . My Weight report would be "Down point 2. Forget the ice cream this week. Work out more. And oh, yeh, pray."

    Sorry about your Sonic mess. Yuck. We don't have Sonics very close.

  4. I never weary of long comments. I was thinking tonight, while listening to Dennis Rainey talk about how men need to learn to talk "woman", I should post in "man" . My Weight report would be "Down point 2. Forget the ice cream this week. Work out more. And oh, yeh, pray."

    Sorry about your Sonic mess. Yuck. We don't have Sonics very close.

  5. you're doing great, Zo! keep on keeping on! (or keeping off? throwing off? eh, it's late... :)

  6. Thanks for rhe encouragement, everyone. A little goes a long weigh.


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