Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Jesus Lives to Make Intercession for You

Ever feel like you're asking for prayer too often? Do you go from person to person asking for prayer for the same thing, out of desperation, or stop asking because you think you're bugging people with the same old same old? I do. The most recent requests I've had are for healing of my hip and also for peace in the midst of fear.

Yesterday I read again a verse that always, always comforts me like no other. Just when I think no one is praying for me--it's a human impossibility and quite egocentric, honestly, to think flesh and blood is capable of remembering to pray for me all the time--Hebrews 7:25 comes back to me through the power of the Spirit.

"Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them."

Jesus lives to make intercession for me.


Some people live to make money. Others live to make their name famous. Others live to make food (and/or eat it). Some people seem to live to make life difficult for others or easy for themselves.

But Jesus? He lives to make intercession for you, for me.

He is constantly praying for me, no matter whether I am praying for myself or have given up, no matter whether anyone else is remembering to do so, Jesus, Faithful Jesus, lives to make intercession.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the bliss of that truth!
    Faithful, Righteous, and Holy Savior Jesus!


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