Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Metaphorically Speaking

Metaphorically speaking, I am a balloon full of helium.
I am a racehorse at the starting gate.
I am a NASCAR driver strapping on her helmet.

That's how I felt today after submitting my art supplies order for school . After weeks of scouring websites, books on hand, and resources from the library, I had put together all my plans for fifth and sixth grades, and most of the ones for third and fourth. I also had the joy of adding first and second grade materials to the long list. Now all I can do is wait for class.

Literally speaking, I am teacher who is super excited about school starting in three weeks.

Driving home from school today I kept thinking, "I wonder if every teacher gets this excited?" It feels like waiting for Christmas when you've got some great gifts picked out for children and can hardly wait for their eyes to light up. The comments I anticipate are along the lines of "Wow! This is so cool!" and "I LOVE this project! Can we do it again next week?"

I also have a great joy in welcoming the new first and second grade art teacher. She is my very own daughter, Sarah! When I was offered the job, I considered that one hour means four in art teacher time (planning, set up, clean up, hang up, grade). I also considered that my first love is third grade and up, no matter what subject. And I considered that, in order to get better at what I already do, I shouldn't take on more work. I was torn because I really love to teach art , and my almost second grade son was begging me to teach his art class .

Why? I had to ask him.
"Because I looooove you," was his reply.

Sweet and sentimental, yes, but would it propel me through 36 weeks? No. Before I said no to the principal, I prayed that God would find us just the right person who was eager about it. I was only feeling guilty for not being gung-ho about it. My philosophy, though, whether adopting a child or a pet or a job is, "Don't take it just because you feel sorry for it." I was feeling sorry that the kids might not have an art teacher, but I had no peace about it.

Thankfully Sarah had just come home from camp and was thinking schoolish thoughts again. She is studying to be an early elementary teacher (K-3). It's her first choice of ages. She also has been wanting more work experience to put in her portfolio. So when I asked her, she was thrilled. Best of all, Joel gets his "second mom" for a teacher. When I told him today while we were driving, I thought he was going to jump out of his van seat and kiss my neck.

So now, metaphorically speaking, there are three helium balloons in the house,
three racehorses in the starting gate,
and three NASCAR drivers strapping on their helmets.

1 comment:

  1. Three Cheers!!!
    I can feel the excitement!
    The word verification word is 'sping' and somehow that seems appropriate for the zip and zing, spark and spring excitement of getting back into the swing!


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