Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook 10.6.09

Outside my window...
dusk has turned to dark. It's cool enough to be called a fall night, but warm enough to want to leave the windows open a crack, and just listen. Crickets chirp. Now and then a car passes by. I can tell the age of the driver by the presence or absence of a drumbeat.

I am thinking...
about how I thought on Sunday that maybe I'd missed my calling in life, only to realize that I haven't missed it, I've just not been looking for opportunities by holing up in my church and home and school instead of
praying to share with people who have narry a clue about Truth.

I am thankful for...
the rich deposit of God's Holy Spirit in me in the form of Jesus the Word, and the Bible.

From the kitchen...
came a peanut butter and jelly sub for everyone's lunch today since I haven't bought regular bread in an embarrassingly long time.

And also came cereal for dinner since Paul's at a business dinner at the Wine Market with a client from Greenwich. All I can say is, "I hope he brings home leftovers."

I am wearing...
a brown polo and black capris, my wedding rings, a peridot ring, and
my spectacles. I've been in a black-and-green mood all day. That's a good thing, in case you're wondering.

I am creating...
in a little while...a rubric for the writing assignment and oral presentation my students will have to produce for next Tuesday. They each have to write and tell us about a Middle Eastern country they've been researching. I learned today what a rebab is, and started to crack a joke about loving rebab pie, but I restrained. I don't think they would know the difference between rebab and rhubarb anyway.

I am going...
to floss my teeth tonight. I can be abscessive-compulsive about that.

I am reading...
A Faith Worth Sharing, by C. John Miller. Easy reading on evangelism from the pen of one who makes it sound effortless.

I am hoping...
my parents have a happy 48th wedding anniversary on Thursday. "If ever two were one, then surely they."

I am hearing...
the gentle hum of Sarah's aquarium and the panting of my dog who loves to watch the fish swim. It's so enchanting to watch her watch them.

Around the house...
are stenches I can't quite pinpoint, let alone obliterate.

One of my favorite things...
the scent of men's cologne that wafts through the upstairs after Paul, Ben, Stephen, and Joel have had their showers. Yes, even my second grader loves Adidas Curves for Men.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
mainly to look less like a Chia Pet and more like a beauty queen for school pictures on Thursday.

A picture thought I am sharing...

See this little "waterpark"? It was at the resort where we stayed at Myrtle Beach. This part of it is only about a foot deep. However, the sidewalk around it is about 18 inches high. I have a depth perception problem to start with, so picture me judging it to be 12 inches deep. Total. I didn't land as soon as I expected, hence winding up backside down on the concrete, in the water. Sarah (whose foot is pictured) got the laugh of her life. Then, I stood up and started to stroll casually to the opposite end for a cooling off of the topside of me. That's when I misjudged something more: the concrete base of those huge metal poles which is cleverly camouflaged under the water.
It's about 12 inches high.
So is my shin.

Penned by Zoanna
Labels: misc


  1. made me smile several times :)

  2. Ouch! Sorry about the fall and the shin!
    A peanut butter and jeely sub is fine!
    We've been reduced to having p,b & j. on hot dog buns, for lck of other bread choices which makes left-overs from a Wine Market sound very appealing!
    Abscessive-compulsive! Ha!
    I'm not sure what a black and green mood is, but I know what a heather grey mood is!

  3. Please forgive all my messy typos!
    Oh dear!
    "jelly" and "lack" are the words to insert!
    Somehow I just betcha you're pretty good at misspelled word interpretation!
    But can you interpret the word verif. word which is "efulteep"?
    Funny word.

  4. Doesn't everyone know that "efulteep" is the generous gratuity given to a waiter?

  5. What a nice, thought provoking post! I found my mind wandering to what *I* would say to such thoughts at this moment :0). I dropped by from Home Sanctuary :0). Hope your Chia look was under control and frizz free :0)...

  6. Hi, Donna, thanks for stopping by. Don't you love Home Sanctuary? Rachel is so hilarious, I just know I'd love her in person.

    Thanks to a transmission fluid leak in our Jeep, I couldn't make it to school for pictures. Drats. I was half thinking the students would say "Chi's" for the photographer, thanks to my hairdo (or as I like to call it, a hairdon't.)

  7. "Efulteep"! Thanks for the splendid interpretation!
    BTW-I can certainly relate to "hairdon'ts"!


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