Monday, November 30, 2009

A Few Pictures from the Past

Stephen, ten months old, in Pappaw's arms at Andrea's wedding,

My happy parents at the beach.
Not sure when this was taken, nor where.

My parents' 25th wedding anniversary, 1986.
Paul and I (far right) were engaged. Back then,
it was hard to fathom being married 25 years,
but we're coming up on 23 this year. Wow.

Daddy shoveling after a blizzard at our
old homestead. He had the strength
of a 30-year-old--and borrowed a
30-year-old son-in-law (Paul) to help.
Not that he asked; I'm sure Paul
volunteered. We owned that Dodge
truck in the picture.

Seated: my grandparents, Chet
and Kathryn. This was the grandma
who played baby dolls with me and sang
"His Eye is on the Sparrow" while
sitting beside me as I played it on piano.
(What patience she had!) Back row:
Mama, me, baby Sarah, Andrea,
Rachel, little Jill, Daddy. 1989.

Our beloved horse, Brandy, with
Ben and Sarah on her back, and Pappaw
close beside. Probably 1992.

My parents kissing at Gettysburg.
Her caption on the back of the
photo: This is a battlefield?

Is any job beneath Daddy?
Just floor-scrubbing:).

A personal favorite.


Laurie said...

Your Dad has the best smile!
These are great photos!
The caption and photo at Gettysburg
is perfect! Do you know who the fence sitter is? (Cute!)

zz said...

Fence sitter is my little sister, Jill. She is 14 years younger than I, and in that picture was age 6.

I love my dad's smile. It warms me up.

Karen said...

:) thank you for sharing your family photos. sweet sweet sweet! :) xo

Anonymous said...

Always nice to keep older pix they are treasures.

I was re-reading a post you made in December, 2004, about scrapbooking.

My mother died in 1935, I was nine, and would you believe I found scrapbooks that she made with pictures cut from magazines with people, especially children. She had taken pictures of people rom magazine also, and pasted them onto the larger pix. I would bet she would make the paste out of flour and water.
This was depression years.
Now, I treasure them.

I read you blog all the time and admire you very much. I pray that you will always have a busy and happy life, including your hope of mission work.

Betty G

zz said...

Thanks for your blessing, Betty. You're so kind.

Fascinating story about your mom's scrapbooks. I think my parents' creativity is largely due to how much they had to "make do" with when growing up.