Tuesday, November 03, 2009

My First Blog Post Ever, Revisited

After reading Amy's post on her penchant for pens, I was curious to reread my first-ever blog post by the same name, which I wrote back on January 29, 2005. Wow. Coming up on five years?

I didn't intend for my blog to be named "A Penchant for Pens," but rather it was the title I chose for the first post. In my ignorance, as I told Amy, I didn't know the difference. I thought a blog was just a journal entry, and before I knew it, Blogger told me my blog's name was "A Penchant for Pens," which was better than anything else I could think of at the time. It still suits me fine. As Amy said, it was a "happy accident." I still do have a penchant for pens and suppose I always will.

You can read about it below. Unfortunately the link isn't working, so you'll have to cut and paste it into your browser if you want to pull it up. I remember spending a inordinate amount of time writing and revising it; nonetheless, my red pen didn't catch every little mistake, which always bothers me as much as having a hair in my mouth, but not as much as finding one in my food.

Anyway, this was my maiden voyage on the USS Blogger:



  1. I’m so glad you have that penchant for pens?! Somehow I was led and drawn to your blog when I first began blogging a bit over a year ago.
    “Somehow” is through the Holy Spirit and the bond of Christ, I believe.
    I’ve enjoyed becoming friends through sharing, writing and reading. I imagine myself giving you an exquisite pen, a useful pen, the perfect pen for expressing and sharing each facet of you and to encourage you along the way! Did I ever mention working with Mike at an office supply store (the place we worked when God was drawing us together which is one of the most fascinating unfoldings of God's sovereign grace? I sometimes sold very nice “Cross” pens.
    (I may have bought them, if my paycheck would have allowed!) That store is where I realized the “world of pens” was vast and beautiful and I discovered medium point is very good indeed!) And now I realize that even Bic has come a long way!
    Keep writing and may God orchestrate the
    expressions and words in your heart and mind to land on paper or on screen! Praise Him for “writing his love with a Cross”.
    In His grip of grace!

  2. You are so sweet, Laurie. I needed those words today. Truly water to my thisty spirit today.

  3. oh yay! I went looking for it after your comment on my blog, but saw that your current blog archives didn't go back that far--and I couldn't remember the address for your old blog. I wasn't reading your blog five(!) years ago, so I'm glad you reposted. loved reading that--beautiful thoughts.

    I think you are a much more sophisticated pen-lover than I am, though :) I don't drool over super-expensive Cross pens in shiny cases...I drool over the pens at Target that come in fun colors and cost $5 for four instead of $2 for 20 :P


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