Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 in Pictures, Post #1, with (Dare I say it?) Commentary

Would you expect any less? I mean, come on. The self-control it took me not to say
anything on my anniversary post!

As a disclaimer, these pictures really aren't the highlights of my year. The older I get, the more I realize that photos just don't capture the essence of my memories. I remember snippets of laughter and conversation and feelings better than actual events. And the best of my memories have not been photographed at all. They were the ones when I was enjoying the moment rather than trying to capture them on film.

But I will flip back through my pictures and show some that mean a lot to me, or that represent a time and place and people that meant a lot, even if the actual picture isn't so hot.

January's Photos: The Making of a Man and a Closet
So he was 47, unshowered, wearing an old white undershirt and black sweat pants. Paul is most attractive to me when he is 1) fixing something that broke 2) cooking 3) playing guitar 4) praying or 5) making men out of our boys in either a spiritual or practical way.

In this case, he was helping make a bigger man out of our littlest man, Joel, who was almost 7. Together they were transforming Sarah's closet into something she thrives in: a place of organization and vivid color. I just loved watching Joel manhandle the power drill.
The strength. The concentration. The trying-not-to-smile expression of accomplishment when
he finished.


  1. Dear Zoanna-
    Your thoughts are well captured in words here! Thank you and AMEN! I understand your sentiments!
    And the thoughts of making a closet and man are well captured in words... and a couple photos for added effect!~

    Praise our God!

    This post is perfect after a post my daughter published about photos on her blog.

    " The older I get, the more I realize that photos just don't capture the essence of my memories. I remember snippets of laughter and conversation and feelings better than actual events. And the best of my memories have not been photographed at all. They were the ones when I was enjoying the moment rather than trying to capture them on film."

    This is what I'm talking about and what I tried to express! I will leave your words in her comment box for more food for thought~

    PS You're welcome to let loose just a little self-control on your anniversary post! This is your blog, after all! ;)

  2. Thank you, Laurie, for all your emcouragement, as always. I can count on you to not just read but interact with me a bit here. So nice to have "met" you in blogland. Maybe in 2010 I will get to KS to visit my friend, Barb. She keeps reminding me it's my turn to go there.
    I would do everything in my power to meet you in person.

    Let loose, huh? I keep trying to rein it in for the sake of brevity. I wrote stuff on my anniversary post, then deleted, then changed it, then deleted it again. Finally said phooey on all my words and just let the picture talk.


I love nice comments. Please leave one in my box.