Thursday, December 31, 2009

Plethora of Praises: My Gratitude List

I interrupt my year-in-review to jot down here the thanks I've been tracking in my journal.

My mom gave me a lovely journal called Impressionists 2010 for my birthday, which was back in August, but the start date just happened to be Dec. 28, 2009, my anniversary. In most ways I think of my wedding anniversary as New Year's anyway, except that I can keep eating sweets in the name of "holiday celebrations" for another three days.

The journal is really a day runner. Each date has five lines, so I limit the thanks (in writing only, not in reality!) to five per morning.

Getting on with my list:

Dec 28

Paul and our marriage of 23 years
Aunt Linda --her love & inspiration
Stephen's helpfulness with computers
Egyptian cotton sheets

Dec 29

Pleasant date @ Sizzling Bombay last night
The touching card that Paul gave me
Sarah's love for Joel
Ben's accounting internship
Aunt Linda's cyst was successfully removed, and benign

Dec 30

Purchase of a Sleep Number mattress
Good time with Paul all day yesterday when he took off
Caleb Z here to play
Enough dishwashing soap left for one large, smelly load
Encouraging words from fellow bloggers

Dec 31

Ability to anticipate
Meaningful work
Heat and light
Daddy came for dinner while Mama's away caring for Aunt Linda

I am so thankful that God's mercies are new every morning, not just every year. But hallelujah for a new year! Clean slate . New journals. Dreams of people, projects, and places in the next 12 months.

My main hope for the New Year is that I will see God's majesty. I want an increasingly larger view of Who He Is, and be ever expanding my expectations from Him, the Infinite God of the Universe. Is anything too hard for Him?


  1. Having a limited number of space to write in a jornal may be a great approach to actually keeping up!
    Nothing is too hard for Him!
    "Let all who seek Thee
    rejoice and be glad in Thee.
    Let those who love Thy salvation, say continually, "Let God be magnified!" Ps 40:16

  2. Oh! I meant to say that I like this gray background with the "white berry" branches!
    It's very pleasing!

  3. Thanks, I like it, too. I get bored with the same thing easily, but don't like a busy background, which many of the free templates have. I like the snowy look of this. It matches what's outside my window right now:).


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