Sunday, January 31, 2010

Daybook Entry, 1.31.10

Borrowing again from this site, A Simple Woman's Daybook, to spark a post:

Outside my window...sunshine and five unpredicted inches of snow, now melting

I am thinking...I wish I'd made a better effort to go to church. The message was to be on Stephen, the first martyr, for whom I named my second son.

I am thankful for... my friend and second-favorite hairdresser, Ruth

I am wearing...pj's--and it's 1:09 in the afternoon. Pathetic.

I am remembering...most of Habakkuk 3, but struggling with the last few verses.

I am going... to shower sometime today.

I am currently reading...the latest issue of Real Simple.

I am hoping... someone brings me the flowers that I bought for myself yesterday and accidentally left in the van

On my mind... homeschooling again after a 2-year hiatus

Noticing that...I need much more time on the treadmill.

Pondering these words... "Ask not what you can do for your children, but what your children can do for you."

From the kitchen... when Paul gets home with bread machine bread--I'll make French bread to go w/ our broccoli cheese soup for dinner.

Around the house... new sheer curtains waiting to be hung in the dining room

One of my favorite things~ having my hair done by my baby boy

From my picture journal... my very favorite hairdresser and I


  1. Very nice...I see people's daybook entries like yours here and find myself so intrigued by the responses.

    I'm grateful for my hairdresser and feel the need to get on the treadmill or stairmaster, too.

    Enjoy your pj-day, and congratulations on making it to the end of Habakkuk! Even if you're struggling with the last three verses, you got farther on your goal than I did on mine!

    I'm going to continue, though, even though Mega Memory Month is done for now, until a few months from now. Perhaps by the time the next one pops up, I will have made it to the end of Colossians 1 and have it as a part of my daily routine to recite it and keep it firm in my long-term memory. That's what I hope for.

  2. Your number 1 hairdresser is a cutie!

  3. You better keep hold of that hairdresser!!!
    How cute you both are!


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