Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Craving Color

Although my previous blog background had a simple yet sophisticated understatement of grey and white, I just couldn't take it anymore. Too closely matched to the snow and the dirt that is now uglifying our snow piles.

Eighty inches of the white stuff since December 19 has been our total here in Maryland. I admit to loving being part of this historic "winter event," to have it literally right outside my window, but I am now craving colorful flowers and the color green like never before. I think that's why I love my new celery bedsheets: green is a color I haven't seen on the ground in weeks.

And, once in a while, I like a pop of pink. In small quantities, pink is good. It's a bit much in a whole room or a whole outfit on most people, but I like it here and there to accessorize. So, while the pink on this background might be excessive in a week or two, for now I crave bright color and it does the trick. (I found other backgrounds with less pink, but they were striped and I can't take stripes. Too hard on the eyes. Ditto with dots. Besides, I like change. Most of the time.)

Speaking of change, our pace changes today. We go back to school finally! Haven't been there since February 5th! The rest of this week, thank God, our county has 2-hour delays, which means we get to ease back into the routine. That's a pleasant thought. I was not ready for the jolt of early mornings and long days of being "on" mentally.

Hope all's well on your plot of God's green (or some other color) earth today.


  1. I'm with you in a need for green!
    My mom amd I used to go to a hotel restaurant called "The Plaza". I cannot tell you what they served, but I can tell you the main color and theme of the restaurant was fresh, healthy and vibrant green! It was great!
    I like the blog change.
    Isn't it nice to make changes that can be changed fairly quickly, unlike hair length, the force of gravity and other jolts!
    Blessings as you get "on" for school!

  2. It looks nice! I am not a huge fan of pink, but I do adore pink flowers! Blogs are fun bc we can do sooo much and change it all around at any time.

  3. I am very tired of all the bland browns's not a grey day but a brown one....I really need to see the little flowers poking their heads up and the buds forming on the trees...cant happen to soon! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Love your pink and green and I'd need a "heavy dose" of it if I had seen 80" of snow this year. Oh, my! Hopefully spring is just around the corner with all it's vibrant colors. A happy and blessed week-end to you!

  5. I love the pink and green too. So cheery!

  6. C'mon Spring! I love this color combo. It is actually very similar to my blog (colorwise). I however HATE change so mine will probably look like that till next fall at least!

    I know getting back into the swing of things can be tough but I LOVE the routine of day to day. Hope all goes smoothly!


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