Monday, March 29, 2010

Dwell on Yeshua (Jesus) This Evening

I encourage all my brothers and sisters in the Lord to observe Passover in some way this evening at sundown, or tomorrow evening as some will (depending on restraints of rental locations, as my parents must).

Jesus (Yeshua in the Hebrew) appeared as the Angel of God in the Old Testament who passed over the houses of all obedient children of Israel when God commanded them to do so. On the top of the mantel and the sides of the doorpost, if the Angel (Yeshua) saw blood, the family therein was saved from the judgment of death pronounced on Egypt. As the blood dripped from the crown and sides of the door, I can see God weeping for the moment in the future when His Son, the Door of Heaven, would stand in the gap between God and me and declare me righteous and free.

In haste, not even having time to let their bread dough rise, the enslaved Hebrews grabbed what they could carry--and took jewels as their neighbors gave them--and fled behind Moses to the desert, wherein they would be free to worship God without the fear of man (Pharaoh and all his legions).

I am humbled to be counted not only among Israel's children biologically, but also spiritually. I cannot observe Passover without being reminded of the tremendous sacrifice my perfect Lamb made on my behalf. It's mind-boggling to know the utter simplicity of acting on a command that "by blood alone" --Jesus's blood--on my spiritual house, I am saved from the bondage of sin and the fear of certain death.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Read the Exodus account with me and thank God for providing a Lamb for you! And while you're at it, grab a box of matzah and see the stripes across the back of each cracker. Remember that "by His stripes you are healed."

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