Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Son, the Preacher

While you're praying this week, please remember our son, Stephen. He will be giving one of the "mini-sermons" (ten minutes long) at our Good Friday service. He was so honored to have been asked by one of the pastors, a decision that is team-made, I believe. (Our church is large and consists of four pastors on staff.)

We have sensed for awhile, adn it's been confirmed by a half dozen different people, that Stephen has pastoral giftings, among others. I can hardly write this without tears, because I see the faithfulness of God to me in asking for a 4th-generation evangelist to be in our family when I started having children.

As you well know, anytime you bring someone closer to God, or attempt it yourself, Satan tries to get the upper hand. Please pray that Stephen stays healthy, as Joel was sick today and yesterday. Please pray for clarity of thought and speech. Please pray that Stephen would put on the whole armor of God to stand against the firey darts that would attempt to mess with his mind in a condemning way. Please pray for God's anointing on Stephen as he prepares and delivers. Pray however you want!

And would you please, if you're reading this, leave me a comment? I am tempted to think I' am writing this in a vacuum and that I'm part of a tiny army of prayer warriors. I know it isn't so, but I would love to hear from my fellow soldiers. Thanks!


  1. should i just let you grow in faith or leave a comment? :o)

    love you girlie and I am praying (between coughing spells)

    btw.. here is god in action. my mom called me today and we are having a sedar at their house this week. so excited!!

  2. Praying and can't wait to hear him!

  3. If you're in a vacuum I may be there with you. Praying for that anointing that only God can bestow on Stephen. Praise the Lord for faithful young men!

    Wanted to share that we had a Sedar at church last Sunday, given by a Messianic pastor. It was an amazing time of blessing shared with our church family. And he mentioned the Dayenu (sp) and I was so happy that I knew what that was, because of my friend Zoanna.

  4. I'm here and we've been praying for a while as Steve has shared about his message in caregroup. Looking forward to it :)

  5. how exciting! may God use Stephen powerfully tomorrow night!

  6. I'm so excited and will be praying! Toby commented that when the Leadership Development team preached their sermons, Stephen did an amazing job - I hope I'm able to make it tomorrow to hear them both!

  7. Oh Zoanna! God is working!! Of course that's a "no duh" statement since he's working even when we don't see it or even feel it, but when we do... Yipee!!
    Praise Him!
    Your son is God's guy. That is awesome and what capable hands uphold him!
    I'm praying for Stephen!
    Easter blessings!

  8. How bold. To ask for a comment. Good on you! I'm on blogging break, but reading and commenting.


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