Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ben's Car Accident

I just found out a couple hours ago from Paul that Ben was in an accident on his way to school this evening. It happened on Monument Street. From what I've heard, the guy pulled out on him from a side street and hit his front corner panel, damaging it--but it's driveable.

They got out to exchange info, and the guy said he didn't have his license on him.

At that point said he would call the cops. The guy hopped back in his car and sped off. Thankfully Ben got a tag number and did call the police. The cop who responded said he patrols the area, and has for 11 years, and will keep an eye out.

Ben had to get to school for an important accounting quiz. Please pray for his nerves and his body and that, come what may, we will remember to be thankful. Thankful that Ben is okay, that it wasn't worse, that he had the presence of mind to get the tag number and call the police, that he has integrity, unlike the person who hit him, that he called his dad who is in the insurance business and puts the rest of us at ease with his expertise and clear head in times like these. I also thank God that it happened in broad daylight and that the guy didn't get violent in the face of trouble.

This event happened two hours after I'd finished praying for a soldier named Jeff, a friend of Ben's just a smidge older than he. Jeff came to my class to talk today about his experiences in
Afg....When I was praying for him, I had a mother's heart, so naturally the tears sprang to my eyes. I had to turn away when finished and gather tissues and composure before continuing with the party. I kept thinking, "He could be my son. How do mothers do this?" I had the urge to drive home and hug Ben. Now I will when I see him this evening. He'll probably need a back rub and shoulder massage, too, by then.

I'd appreciate your prayers.


  1. Praying for Ben and all the details that God knows...
    I'm thanking God for His grace!

  2. Thankful he's okay!! Hope his test went well.

    Josh got side swiped once and the guy tried to give him cash to fix the damage and said he had a "guy" who would take care of it. Yeah. Somebody really didn't want to get stopped by the cops. He ended up speeding off as well. Josh assumed he had drugs or the car was stolen.

    Got to love city accidents!


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