Sunday, May 02, 2010


I'm here. Still not doing well. But I have a shred of hope, thankful that there is enough grace to make up for not caring much about grace right now.

To help get back up spiritually, I am reading two books by Elyse Fitzpatrick, who preached the best sermons on grace I've heard in a while. Maybe ever. And sorry if you don't like to hear the words "sermon" and "she preached" in the same sentence. I don't have a problem with it. Women pastors, yes, but I digress. The two books are Because He Loves Me and Comforts from the Cross. Not that I think reading is the way "up," but I'm doing what I know to do and that is stay close to Jesus, or get close when I'm running, which I have been. I have felt guilty and ashamed, wanting to hide. You'd think I'd know better. But I forget that I'm hidden in Christ. I forget it regularly.


  1. I'm sorry to have missed going to hear Fitzpatrick's "sermon." :)

    Let me know how you like "Because He Loves Me" because that's the next book of hers I'd like to read.

    I hope the truths in the books will encourage you. I think "Comforts from the Cross" can't help but do that. So thankful that we're hidden in Christ! We all forget that regularly, I think.

  2. love you, Zo. may God use Elyse's books (love her!) to speak His grace and love and comfort to your heart.

  3. praying for you in this season. I'm right there with you sister, I've been feeling some similar feelings myself. This encouraged me recently:

    "For the Lamb standing in front of the throne will feed them and be their Shepherd and lead them to springs of the Water of Life. And God will wipe their tears away." Revelation 7:17 (living Bible)

  4. I've read "Because He Loves Me" and loved it. Excellent truths in that book. Come to think of it, I don't remember if I read the last chapter. I should go do that :) (I'm terrible about finishing books!)

  5. Right now i am hiding in guilt and shame. I had forgotten that He knows it all already and I can not hide from Him. I am finding my way back. It is nice to know that I am not alone in my struggles. I added both of those books to my must read list.

  6. Hi~
    How easily we forget especially when we're running! I'm a faster runner than I thought I was when it comes to fleeing grace.
    Yet, how quickly we are restored when we stop and call out to God who relentlessly pursues us!
    "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you..." James 4:8a

    I hope you don't mind a song:

    And even if you do mind ;) I'm going to pray for you now!

  7. Thanks, everyone. Encouragement goes a LONG way!


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