Sunday, June 27, 2010

Getting Ready to Detox

Feeling like sludge has replaced blood in my veins, I am embarking on a 2-week plant protein detox. I did something similar a few years ago .Basically it's a Daniel diet, but I have a written plan this time from a magazine to help me get enough protein.

Anyone got advice?


  1. No advice, I'm afraid, but what's the article?

  2. It's from an old "First" magazine from your cast-offs that you gave Sarah. I took a bunch to the beach. It's something like "How to Shrink 7 Inches of Belly Fat off in 2 weeks." I never believe the claims, but I knew I needed to do SOMETHING good for my body, some kind of fast.

  3. Eat, eat, eat all the good stuff. Drink, drink, drink the good stuff and do not starve, starve, starve! This is probably "no duh" advice, but I seem to always crash on diets because I try to starve myself instead of learning to eat plenty of good foods without guilt or worry! And I seem to neglect drinking enough water! I don't know much about the Daniel Diet, but we know he ate well and didn't starve!

  4. Laurie, you don't have to worry about me starving myself. It is SO not in my nature. The advice to drink plenty of water is well taken. Except for tonight (Paul's b'day when I drank wine w/ him) I have only been having water, but need more. The thing with eating all these fruits, though, is that they are 90 percent H20. I am eating soy products (Boca Burgers) w/ grilled veggies, bean burritoes, and again (tonight being special) crab cakes. The main thing I'm trying to do is become conscious again of what I put in my mouth, and there for awhile, it was too much dairy and meat that make me feel like a pile of waste matter. I do feel much better, though the scale hasn't moved much. It'll happen .Self-control first; results second.

  5. Is detox" the same as "cleanse"?
    Cleansing w/ fiber etc. is always a good thing IMO.

  6. Laurie, I'm not sure if there's a technical difference (you'd have to ask a health guru, I suppose). But the way I felt prior to starting this was SO bad that I'm thinking "detox" is a more fitting word than "cleanse."


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