Tuesday, June 01, 2010

This 'n That

So much to write, so little time. Here are some snippets from what I've been doing and plan to do, Lord willing.

Have been:

-enjoying the transformation from living with a family room that wasn't "me" (wasn't comforting to me, didn't draw me in, screamed "Hodge Podge Lodge") to a room that beckons me in to sit a spell and join others in the welcome. This is quickly becoming--check that, is now --my favorite room in the house.

-loving the new paint color and carpet in the basement. Pictures coming, I hope. You know me, I'm slooooow.

-anticipating my sister Rachel and her kids coming from Texas this week. They land Thursday night at my sister Jill's house. On Friday the three of us are getting pedicures. Yay!

-wondering how I'll feel on the last day of school. We have 9 days left. Then our school will close for good after 30 years .I have only invested two in teaching there, so I'm not as melancholy as most teachers, but still sad. I am excited to see what God is going to do, especially in the up-and-coming youth.

-painting my porch furniture. It was country white wicker. With a couple cans of brown spray paint, they are now, I think, more modern and hip.

-planning Olympic games of sorts for my class to wrap up our study of Greece. A field day, but with some goofy sports and some bona fide tests of strength, speed, agility, and endurance to bring out the Spartan in all of them. So it's for the athetes as well as the non-athletes to enjoy, and prizes for everyone!

-mourning the loss of another young person ( my age, which is young, in my opinion). Scott died from a long, slow battle with a form of brain cancer .

-trying not to think about the fact that both Sarah and Steve will be gone for 8 weeks at New Life Camp starting June 12th--the day after our school closes. Sniff, sniff.

-praying that the entertainment center I spotted goes down to the price Paul wants and that we get it.

-needing to weed the garden , but it doesn't thrill me. I like thrills and flowers. That's about it for my gardening incentive.


  1. Thanks for the this 'n that update!
    May you be blessed as you press on with Christ in all areas and aspects!! I like the background you chose! God is faithful!

  2. I know, weeding the garden is not nearly as fun as putting the veggies in, in my opinion.

    Glad you're enjoying your new living room!


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