Thursday, July 29, 2010

"I Love____" Statements Have Changed My Outlook

Blogging has its rewards, I'll admit. One of the perks I've been thinking about lately is how some
one-liners that include "I love________!" have helped change my outlook for the better .The chief area for this change has been in housekeeping, but I've seen others as well.

The following "I love _____" statements have transformed my "Really? You love doing that? I hate it!" into, "You know, this is kind of fun. Or at least I don't hate it anymore."

"I love cleaning out closets!"
"I love throwing stuff out!"
"I love grilling."
"I love planning a month of meals."
"I love taking breaks from the internet once in a while."
"I love going to bed with all the dishes done AND put away."
"I love washing, drying, folding ,and putting away a whole load in one day."
"I love decorating with things from nature."

I can't say all my habits have changed ,but my mindsets are changing or have changed, and that feels really good. Through 23.5 years of marriage, motherhood, and homemaking, I've gone through stages where I've loved being home and stages where I just wanted to fly the coop. Reading books on an area of weakness to help me improve has certainly helped mentally refocus me, but not always. I really have to credit other people, 99% of whom I know personally, for making some "I love_____" statements. Not just, "Here's what I do, " or "All you have to do is...." like there's some magic 3-step or 12-step formula to making me do--or want to do-- what doesn't come easily/appeal to me. Formulas are for robots and maybe men. But as a woman, I have adapted more feelings than formulas.

I can honestly now say the following:

I love cleaning out closets.
I love throwing stuff out.
I love planning a month of meals.
I love going to bed with all the dishes done and put away.

How about you? Noticed any changes in housework or other things as a result of the positive feelings others have expressed?


  1. Hmmm. I don't think so. Sadly, I still don't like coming up with even a week of meals and the accompanying grocery list. You wouldn't know it, considering how much I like to eat!

    The one thing that is inspiring that I've not really been able to put into action is freezing meals. I'm inspired by Amy doing that, but since we still don't have a second freezer, that makes it hard. But that's something I WANT to do and am inspired by.

  2. Well, I didn't say I DO any of these things more often, just have a diff attitude:). I never stick to my meal plan, but knowing I have a few whole meals at the ready makes me feel better.

    You'll get that freezer soon enough. Don't worry. Summer is not the ideal time to be slaving over a hot stove, with or w/o air, but I would not do it w/o air .

  3. Yeah, even if I had one, it's been too hot for me too cook extra stuff, true!


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