Wednesday, July 07, 2010

My Hummi Babies

This little hummingbird and his friends stop by several times a day
for a sip of sugar water. I have strategically stationed my feeder on the corner ledge of the deck outside my kitchen. Doing dishes is less of a chore and more of "waiting for a surprise visit" when these guys are nearby. The biggest one is the full length of my thumb; the smallest is about the size of my pinky. They are such sweet, polite creatures; they take a few, deep swigs and then fly away and let another pal fly in for a fill-up. I love my hummi babies. So does Joel and every child who catches a glimpse of them. "Aw, they're so cute!" they say.

Hummingbirds are very easy to attract. All you need is a hummingbird feeder (this was about 3 bucks at Walmart), plus sugar and water. ( Let 3 cups boiling water cool a bit, and then add 1/3 cup sugar .Dissolve and stir. I added red food coloring to attract them faster, but I'm thinking red dye might give them ADHD. What hummingbird do you know that needs to add hyperactivity to his life?)

My little sippers have nearly drained the current tube dry. So tomorrow I'll change their wine back to water.

1 comment:

  1. Delightful indeed!
    What a big gift in a small package!


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