Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Tour of Homes: Exhibits from the Projects

At last, the hostess shows up to her own party .Sorry, things came up . "People are more important than projects" is a motto I try to live by.

That said...

Paul and I joke about living "in the projects" during the summer. We work on a dozen different projects that build up over the course of the school year, many of which involve the warning: Proper ventilation required.

Such is the case with Exhibit A of my Summer Tour of Homes. (This is the first in a series of posts "in the projects".)

MAKEOVER OF OUTDOOR FURNITURE, or "Watch out, she's got a can of spray paint in her hand and she knows how to use it."

Tired of white wood and wicker after many seasons, I chose my first four victims rather quickly: the front porch chairs, swing, and flower basket .

I bought what I thought would be enough brown paint, but had to go back for more. By happy accident, I bought a different shade and didn't realize it until it was already on. Seeing the mixed tobacco color, decided I actually preferred the weathered wood effect ,so I kept it.

(The lovely blue swag is summer decor also known as a Slip 'n Slide hanging up to dry. One advantage to living on a sloped lawn is the immense pleasure of body surfing and sledding.)

(The flower was from an art student's mom. The little sign in the soil says "Thank You." So thoughtful to give me a growing reminder of that lovely little class.) I decided not to paint the magazine rack; it's not "me" anymore with the picket fence look, so I will either saw them off or replace the whole thing. For now it's the right height to set the flower basket (or move the basket and set down your lemonade).
For about $19 in paint, voila! "New" outdoor furniture.


  1. The "new" furniture looks great!
    I hope the rest of your projects have just as good a result. :)

  2. Oooo, I like them so much better in their new colors! Classy! I love what a can of spray paint can do. You can go crazy with that stuff! :)

  3. Wow! Nice changes!
    The more natural color gives much more depth and grounding to the furniture! Way to go Zo!


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