Sunday, July 04, 2010

Summer Tour of Homes

Remember the Christmas Tour of Homes that a lot of us bloggers participated in? I loved that. I get a real bang out of seeing other people's homes, the creativity and personality that comes through in pictures.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I just need a little push, a nudge, some external motivation, to get me over the procrastination hump when it comes to projects and to-do lists around the home . It's time to turn some of my "I shoulds" into "I wills". For example, I should sew some throw pillows for my sofa; I've had the fabric since May. I should weed my gardens again; some weeds are as high as short corn stalks. I should decide on cushions for the wicker chairs I painted awhile back. (I have hunted; I need to "kill".)

For the record, I am declaring July 15th the kick-off for Summer Tour of Homes. That's 10 days away. It's my personal deadline to finish some of these languishing projects for which I have great intentions.

Want to join me? Wherever you are, whatever little or big project(s) or sprucing up you're doing to the old homestead--or the new one!--, you are invited to join me in this virtual tour.

You in? Leave a comment. Looking forward to seeing your homey touches on July 15th.


  1. I'll do it :)

  2. I'm tongue tied trying to think of where to begin! But if the Lord can untangle the knots and give a direction, I'll join too!

  3. Glad you three are in! Laurie, just pick one thing to beautify. And then ,if you're spurred on by that, pick another thing. Little things. The only "biggie" I'm doing is my bedroom closet. When I say "tour" of homes I don't mean your whole house, unless you want to show it. This is meant to be a pick-me-up for you and an inspiration for the rest of us. Focus on beauty first, then practicality for this tour.

    For me, if I know "someone's coming over" (even virtually) I am all the more motivated. Don't overthink it. Just jump in and pick one thing to start with. :)


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