Thursday, July 22, 2010

How A Guy Wraps A Wedding Gift

You, the guy, pick from what's left of the couple's gift registry at the last possible moment. You think a wine rack is a cool gift, and it is. But your mom suggests putting three wine bottles with it so that it's "substantial."

You go buy the wine: a champagne, a red, and a white. You come home and box everything up.

Seal the box and ask Mom if you have to wrap it since it's for a guy. Mom says, "Yes, you have to wrap it. That guy will have a wife by the time he opens it."

You nicely ask Mom if she will wrap it and she says, "No, but I'll tell you where some paper is. You've got wrapping skills." You may have them, but you don't necessarily want to use them, at least not without eating first.

You wrap it in lime green paper from your sister's treasure trove of paper. Your mom is pretty proud of you, and so she whips out her camera. You shake your head and smirk. She is trying to keep things light so that she doesn't cry. She really wonders where time went that her son is now all grown up and buying wedding presents for his good friends' weddings and ushering their guests down the aisle. She is secretly glad she is not the mother of the groom yet.

Mom asks you if you'd like to put a bow on the gift and you say, "Nah, it's fine." And she says, "Do you think it's kind of plain?" And, being a guy, you repeat, "Nah, it's fine. But if you think it needs a bow, go ahead."

So she, being not a guy, but your mother who can't let a gift go unbowed, proceeds to make a "bow" out of a wine bottle opener. She says, "It's extra fun when your gift topper sort of hints at what's inside the box." And you humor her and say, "Yeh. Whatever."

Then you see her get out scrapbook paper, scissors, skinny ribbon, and stickers to make hang tags for the bride and groom's gift.

Experience tells you that now is your perfect opportunity to slip out of the room while Mom gets absorbed in her own little world; you have plenty of time to make early Fantasy Football draft picks.

In the back of your mind, though , you're fairly certain that *your* wrapped gift will show up on *her* blog.


  1. This really hits home, since my son is now 16 (thankfully he doesn't have friends getting married yet!)...where has the time gone? really, where? Somewhere between 3 and 16 mama's little lap sitter grew up; but you know what...his hugs are still the best! Thanks for the sweet story.

  2. I think it's great that he know how to wrap gifts. My husband is not very skilled in that area, so I wrap everything - unless it is a qift for myself. I like surprises, and I've asked him to wrap my birthday gifts and such. It usually looks like a small child wrapped it, but at least he tries!

  3. I wrapped gifts professionally one Christmas and it was pure agony - either you have the wrapping gene or you don't I guess!My husband does all the family gift wrapping with me so that I don't end up taping myself to the package! Our sweet boy turned ten this week and I wonder if he'll ever get to that point where he can make good choices without my help! Since the first 10 years have flown by, I assume the next 10 will to, and Lord willing he will grow to be godly young man with good friends too!

  4. Alright Zo. Tears in MY eyes as I realize that it COULD be him getting married. WOW! YOur kids will always have a special place in my heart I guess :)

  5. cute! Love the way you wrote this. And I'll be there before I know it...

  6. ahhh, cute! I'm going to pretend my little man will never get any older, okay?

  7. What a sweet post -- glad you have such a great relationship with your son!


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