Monday, August 16, 2010

Let Them Be Little (a repost)

In this video, Joel was a baby (2002), the answer to ten years of longing and praying. Stephen was 10, Sarah was 12, and Ben was 13. Joel did this thing with his mouth where he'd hold it open--wide--for a long time. Uncomfortably long. Note that halfway into the video, he does it, and that someone flicks his cheek, but he still keeps his mouth open. (It should have been a major hint that I'd have perennial problems getting him to close his mouth. Like mother, like son?)

Anyway, I get choked up watching this. The green and white striped shirt is the one I wore constantly while practically immobile on bedrest. When you see me tickling him on the changing table, it was one of the few times I was on my feet, and so I get teary-eyed remembering how God met me at the lowest of the lowest time in my life--with comfort from others, comfort from the moon, and most importantly, comfort from God alone.


  1. Just found you via your comment on the "move to Belize?" post. I am going to add all your books to my library hold list and am looking forward to reading what you'll be writing! I think we may be kindred spirits. :)

  2. Thank you. I'm honored you think so highly of my reading choices:).


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