Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Please Pray. Sounds Serious to Me

Joel's shoulder was injured during football practice tonight. We were not there, we were in care group, so did not see it happen. He says it happened during a tackle, but doesn't recall details. He cannot lift it up to the side.

Please pray. This really has me concerned.


  1. I am praying for Joel. Please let us know his status. Ouch, poor boy.

  2. Thanks. Shoulder sprain. Seeing a specialist on Monday.

  3. He's better but still limited. Wearing a sling, watched football game from the sidelines last night.

  4. It's been officially dx'ed as a shoulder sprain, but the urgent care dr referred him on to a sports med guy for eval of the growth plate at the prox humerus. We go Monday for that.


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