Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Transforming Books

Once in a great while I have the privilege of reading a book that has lasting impact on me. It's one I want to recommend to any person who has expressed a genuine desire for a similar impact. Or maybe even more powerful than that--a transformation. It seems this kind of book crosses my path once every five years or so, but this summer it's like the Lord has put three into my hands, one after the other. This summer of great books, coupled with experiencing an emptier nest, has been like one long treatment of spiritual growth hormone.

I don't have time to blog about the books now, but stay tuned. The titles are:

1) Because He Loves Me, by Elyse Fitzpatrick;

2) Organizing for Life: Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your World, by Sandra Felton

3) The Holiness of God, by RC Sproul

Reviews coming soon.


  1. I'm interested in Because He Loves Me as I've never read it. The Holiness of God is one of my ALL TIME faves when it comes to spiritual books. I couldn't put it down when I read it the first time.

  2. The Holiness of God is on my list for this year, though I've not gotten to it yet. I like the sound of the organizing book, so I might check that one out for next year. I'm currently reading Comforts of the Cross in the mornings (thanks Danielle for the tip!), so I may well be adding some more E.F. to my list!

  3. loved #1 - not familiar with the other two - looking forward to hearing more!


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