Monday, October 04, 2010

Gratitude List

It's been too long since I made one of these gratitude list. I haven't been keeping track in my journal, but here goes one "off the cuff."

1. Rain and all things it provides and provokes: growth for plants, extra body in my hair (read untameable curls!) and my husband's many fine qualities and skills (perseverance, plumbing, and
planning--not to be annoyingly alliterative)
2. Sump pumps and Shop Vacs
3. A new hot water heater and the means to pay for it before it's a crisis
4. Veterinary care to handle the things too gross, too unspeakable for this chick deal with
5. God's watchcare over my doggie, Molly, who had surgery today (one huge tumor on her neck removed plus 9 rotten teeth)
6. Friends and family who care enough to pray for Molly and see how I am doing, too. (Answer: relieved but wondering what her new smile will look like.)
7. A child who loves geography, math, science, reading, art, coin collecting, cats, and the Ravens
9. Homemade applesauce with warm milk atop
10. A new and very good hairdresser
11. 12-grain bread
12. Barb's sandhill plum with jalepeno jelly
13. Learning to make sandhill plum jelly (finally!)
14. People who aren't afraid to speak truth to me
15. Laughing at really low-budget movies with Ben and Dee
16. Hearing stories from Sarah's kindergartners
17. Foot rubs
18. Finding a thread of hope amidst a tapestry of despair
19. Heating pads
20. Protection in myriad forms
21. Newborn sweetness
22. Watching my nephew interact with his newborn son and hearing him tell his wife, "You know you're my hero!"
23. Movable joints
24. Healing of Joel's fractured growth plate
25. Pronto Provencal soup (which I will post if anyone wants it. It's time consuming--ie less "pronto" and more "Provencal" but totally worth the effort.)
26. "Holy Temple Holiness Church of Deliverance, Batman!" and other things that crack me up
27. not seeing any end in sight of blessings to be grateful for


  1. Funny picture. And homemade applesauce with warm milk? That's interesting. Is that a personal thing or some kind of regional/ethnic thing?

  2. Milk is poor man's ice cream! Just kidding. I didn't have vanilla ice cream, but I had milk (and actually a bit of Dulce de Leche flavor Int'l Delight. Good combo!)

  3. Being thankful is crucial!!!
    It's hard sometimes, but it's crucial! You are right! I see "no end in sight of blessings to be grateful for"!
    Happy Autumn!!
    Yes! I'd like the recipe for the "Pronto" Provencal soup!
    It's the start of soup season!

  4. Laurie, before I post, tell me this: do you like zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, and onions? Those are the key ingreds in this PRonto PRovencal soup (vegetable soup).

  5. I don't know much about eggplant really, but I love zucchini, tomatoes and onions! Thanks!


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