Friday, October 22, 2010

Having Said That...

My last post leaves me wondering if I'm content or complaining about my kitchen. So let me say this: there are many reasons I like my current kitchen.

1. It's open. It flows into the family room without a wall interrupting it, so I can easily see who's doing what and don't feel cut off.

2. The view from my two windows. They both face the woods behind us, and I love to see my little feathered friends come for a bite to eat from my deck feeders. And I like to watch scampering squirrels.

3. My refrigerator. We bought it from the Smiths who were in our church until February when they moved to Belgium and needed to sell it. The Smiths are a special family; I had the joy of teaching their daughters in school. The saddest day of my teaching career was the day they left. It ruined Valentine's Day for me (also my youngest child's birthday) and proved to me that teachers can get just as attached to their students as vice versa. It's wonderful to have precious memories, and to be reminded of those folks really often by the big stainless steel fridge.

4. The table. I love the finish, the design, and the many good things that have happened there--meals, schoolwork, creative projects, conversations, games. It's a "butterfly" style which means it has a built-in leaf that can be slid in and out at will, and doesn't have to be stored elsewhere.

So even though I'd love to change some of the tangible things about my kitchen--the counters, cabinets, and fixtures, what will always be important are the intangibles like love, laughter, and togetherness.


  1. I love the refrigerator story!
    And you're right! The intangibles are always more important than tangibles! Thankfully!!

  2. I guess there is always a silver lining to most things if we look hard enough. The Lord will definitely bless your "right attitude" about this project and your realizing the necessity to wait. But, I know it will be worth the wait.

    Thanks for stopping by and abundant blessings to you!

  3. You're right! There is nothing more satisfying than a happy meal with your family around the table.
    But, I am rooting for a kitchen remodel for you! We spend so much time in the kitchen,it's really the intangible "heart" of the home.

  4. I have no doubt it will get remodeled in time. When Steve is out of college in 2012 (Lord willing) then we'll get serious.

    I go back and forth between wanting al these upgrades that "sell houses" (and we're not even in the market to sell) and the knowledge of how far our money would go in the lives of orphans and homeless. I struggle frequently with the plight of the poor and yet know that God doesn't frown on giving wealth, either. If my kitchen was falling down or had safety or mold issues, that'd be different. It's main downfalls are cosmetic.


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