Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'd Be the...

As I sat in wonder and gratitude watching TV coverage of the Chilean miners being rescued, I heard that each person was given (or chose, or volunteered for, or just started doing?) a certain "job" within the confines of their new social setting. One took gas readings, another was in charge of rationing food, another was the joker for comic relief, another oversaw communications with the outside world, and so on. ( I admit when I heard, "took gas readings," I was thinking, Oh, horrors! Just think how much gas 33 miners could pass..." but then realized they were referring to other natural gases.)

I asked my eight-year-old son, "If you were trapped underground for over two months with a bunch of people, what role or job would you do? What would you be?"

Without thinking, he said, "I'd be the calmer-downer. I'd tell everyone, 'Don't freak out so much. Don't worry about everything.'"

I like that. The calmer-downer. It got me to wondering, what role would I play? What job would I be given (or volunteer for, or just start doing)? I don't think I'd be the calmer-downer. I would need a calmer-downer like my son. Maybe I'd be the resident journalist?

How about you? I'd love to hear what niche you think you'd find if stuck in a mine for weeks on end. What would you do that would benefit the group as a whole, probably something God has gifted you to do already?


  1. I agree with Joel. I'd be the "calmer-downer." I'm not one for panic. Although I did once when I couldn't find the boys in the backyard. I freaked! :)

  2. I'd either be the peacemaker (I do it at home all the time) or the sleeper. Every group needs someone who can sleep anywhere.
    What am I talking about? I'd be knitting...

  3. I would be the optimist, trying to cheer everyone up and keep the mood light by talking about their families, hopes and dreams.

  4. I would probably be peace keeper...'cause the fussing would stress me worse, but I think I would want a concrete job, too...probably just whatever needed to be done that no one else wanted to do because I want to feel helpful.

    I watched the rescues all day...couldn't tear myself away. It is really a beautiful story of God's grace. A modern day miracle. I get teary still every time I think about it! How exciting to know that the God who kept them safe IN the pit is also the one who was with them as they emerged from it!

  5. I'd be the pray-er because if I wasn't, I'd need 10 calmer-downers. What an amazing question to ask!

  6. I would be the music person...I'm known for just breaking out in song whenever someone is talking about something that reminds me of song...This is only at home. =p I've never done this in public. haha

  7. I have no idea what I would be; I really sat here for a while and tried to figure it out. I think I'd be the C-3PO of the group - you know, the one who says really random, obvious, and trying-to-be-helpful annoying things? Yeah, that's probably me.
    But I love that your son would be the "calmer-downer."


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