Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook 11.10.10

Inspired again to show a slice of life through the prompting of The Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window... the sun is shining, the gold leaves on distant trees glistening like trinkets of topaz against an aquamarine sky. A few rubies hang on to the tree closest to the house, ready to drop onto peridot grass.

I am thinking...I shouldn't be blogging right now, but I have been on my feet since 7:30 this morning, cleaning the kitchen, cutting up watermelon, making part of tonight's dinner.

I am creating...or rather have created today at 6 a.m., a watercolor sample of a painting by Winslow Homer for tomorrow's class. I was just about finished before Paul caught a glimpse of it as he bent to kiss me goodbye. He is the better artist, so I risk much when I ask, "What do you think?" Today his sheepish response was, "I can't tell what it is." I said, "It's an old man and an old tree. It's called "Old Friends." He smiled and said he thought it was a pirate in the woods. Argh. I wanted to tell him to take his old butt to his old job and leave me be. Oh, well, my fourth grade art students are usually impressed with my work. What else matters?

I am wearing...a pair of new, celery green pj pants I found on clearance at Kohl's for $4.20 and my hubby's bright orange Orioles T-shirt, plus black socks, cheetah-print indoor/outdoor slippers, and mismatched hair clips. A true fashion icon, I am.

From the kitchen...broccoli cheese soup I made this morning. Big head of broccoli from sweet little Amish boys who sell it for a dollar. Paul always gives them a tip for their hard work.
He loves to encourage young businessmen to succeed in their fields.

From the learning room: This verse, which Joel says is too long and hard to memorize...

Isa. 54:10

For the mountains may depart
and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,
and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,"
says the LORD, who has compassion on you

I am reading (in addition to the books on the sidebar), David Livingstone, Africa's Trailblazer with my eight-year-old who was the afore-mentioned complainer. The very day he was hemming and hawing about that five-line verse, we got to the sentence in our missionary bio that says something like, "Reciting that passage was easy for young David, for he had memorized the whole of Psalm 119 by the age of nine." Nuff said.

I am going to take a meal to a friend soon. Remembering how good it felt to receive such kindness.

A few plans for the rest of the week: clean the remaining 40% of my bedroom; take stuff to Goodwill or the consignment shop; put laundry away, meet the pastor from the Zambian church where my friend Bonnie is going to be serving as a missionary in their school for the next three years, Lord willing. (He is coming here; I am not going there to meet him.)

I am hoping...that the doctor I'm seeing on the 29th will be the answer to my prayer for one-stop shopping, so to speak. That's all I'm saying about that.

I am hearing...the hum of the washing machine, Stephen singing and playing guitar (an instrument he has just learned in the past month or so), and my conscience nagging, "You've been on here long enough."

A picture thought I am sharing... Not great quality, but I like the chunky metals and the melting chocolates shimmering together during a stirring.


  1. Zo-
    Thanks for sharing these!
    I really like hearing your "SLICE OF LIFE"!!

  2. Laurie, I would love to read one of your slices of life, too! Please do a Daybook entry for me:).


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