Friday, December 17, 2010

Don't Like to Hear or Say the "C" Word (Circumcision)

Thanks to Rachel at Home Sanctuary, I'm taking the opportunity to write about something I savored today--some sweetness and warm fuzzies in the middle of the hurried, harried moments of late December.

The things I savored today:
-the spontaneity of my husband taking the day off
-watching my older kids drive off for the weekend to respective friends' gatherings
-seeing my husband take care of the Jeep they were taking by topping off fluids and checking their tire pressure and then praying with them for their safety
-admiring the white dusting of snow and the husband who shoveled the driveway off
-learning about faraway places with my 8 year old. Today: Egypt.
-listening to my hubby read Genesis chapter 17 aloud without stopping to feign a soprano "ouch!" when he got to the part about Abraham circumcising himself and doing the same deed to his 13-year-old son
-our 8 year old son not stopping his dad to ask what circumcision is
-reading another book while snuggling the boy under a pile of blankets, and having him play with my hair.
-hanging up ultrasuede, camel-toned curtain panels at the sliding glass door for the fourth winter in a row, and realizing I still like them. That was $30 well spent.
-hearing our youngest child thank God twice --once before lunch, once before dinner--that "Dad took the day off and stayed home"
-making hot chocolate from a block of Abuelita cocoa and some milk and sugar. and drinking it from one of my happy mugs.
-clearing clutter, lighting the tree, smelling an Almond Cookie candle...

Nothing big, Nothing grand. Just a few simple, sweet moments I've savored in the week before Christmas. Sweet things said--and thankfully, some things said but not discussed.


  1. This just brought a smile to my heart. It's so easy to miss the simple things that our lives are made up of on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing as it caused me to think of many, many simple things that also bring a smile to my heart.

    Christmas blessings!

  2. Beautiful! You just have to love the simple things sometimes! Hope you have had an amazing, simple weekend!

  3. What a great list of simple pleasures! I'm late stopping by from Company girls, hope your weekend was wonderful!

  4. "Simple pleasures are the best" they say and I say, "Simple is sometimes completely and complexly big and rich!


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