Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Walk Through My Day

Like A Simple Woman's Daybook, but with different prompts, this post was inspired by Dea. Thanks, Amy, for leading me there.

Today I am pondering... what a difference prayer makes. I woke up distraught, moaning, fearful, and anxious about at least six different things. I wrote down my anxieties, showed them to my husband, tried to pray, but only cried. He prayed for me quickly before heading out the door, which I appreciated, but I was still fraught with turmoil. So I emailed three friends who are faithful intercessors and advisors. Within an hour I felt a burden lifted and the grace to plow through the day with peace.

I am memorizing... nothing this week. I hope to take on Romans 5 or 8 in January.

I am thankful for... doctors who specialize in things I can barely make myself say.

I am studying... ecosystems around the world with my third grader. By way of a book, that is.

Other ongoing studies throughout my month:
Genesis, with same child. We're in Chapter 16. So far he hasn't asked how Ishmael and Isaac have the same dad but different moms. I've focused on telling him that
he is a descendant of Abraham and Isaac. He is one of the stars that Abram could not count in the sky or even imagine but he is a son of God's covenant!

Family Bible study: doesn't exist.

Studies at church: The book of I Corinthians. My 21 year old single daughter can't wait till the messages on singleness and marriage are over. She told me this week, "Singleness is a gift. A gag gift."

Bible reading schedule for today... I've been in Psalms and Matthew. For Psalms, I take the number 30 and add today's date (14th) to it and get 44. So I read Psalm 44 today, and Matthew 9 for no numeric reason except it comes after 8, which I read yesterday:). I also read I Peter 5:7ff "Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you" and noticed the connection just after that: "for you have an enemy prowling about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." I knew I could either pray or be preyed upon! If I'm going to give myself to any lion, it'll be the Lion of Judah!

Other books I'm reading sporadically... I am a very slow reader. If I keep my goal in mind to finish 12 books this year, I'll be happy. But I doubt I'll finish them all. I just picked up Understanding Your Man. I've been working on the topic for 24 years (25 if you count our courtship). Think I can clinch the study of my man in two weeks? Me neither.

Most recent online sermon I have listened to...Wow, it's been a long time. I seldom listen to sermons online, but the last one was by Frankie Chan on how to really love people. The title was esoteric and academic-- "seminarian" as I recall. But the message was superb.

Song going through my head today
...There's a Song in the Air.... I sat down to practice carols and opened an old hymnal. I don't think I've sung that song alone since last year, and can't remember the church singing it for ....over 15 years???

I am anticipating...lab results and another medical test on Thursday. Might be having a double surgery in January.

A few plans for the rest of the week... care group social tomorrow (making crab dip); mail handmade gifts; get the summer clothes to the basement since the bathing suit and shorts aren't exactly gettin' the job done wardrobe-wise. Seeing your breath while you're wearing a tank top either means you're smoking something or you need to cover up. I'm also planning to figure out what we're doing for Christmas Eve and Day. The kids want to have people over. That's all I hear them saying, "So what are we doing? Who are we having over? " I'm glad the adult kids are so outward-focused. It does mom's heart good. So I'm placing a call to the local army base for starters, to see if there are folks who might like to come spend some time here.

And, since everyone loves picture posts, here's a goofy picture (not part of the prompt). Some kid around here is dangerous with a camera. So I threatened to kiss him!

1 comment:

  1. Cute photo!!! Wow! Those are some good prompts! I'm just hopin' to get through this day! ;)
    Sarah is funny!


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