Monday, January 24, 2011

Dayenu for Today: Of Humor, Hospitals, and Habitats

Some time ago I wrote my own version of Dayenu (a Hebrew term meaning "it would have been enough.") Thought it high time to recount 15 more blessings today.

1. If God had only give me the dream of having children, it would have been enough.
2. If God had given me only one song to sing, it would have been enough.
3. If His Word was the only reading material I had, it would have been enough.
4. If chicken alfredo were the only meal we'd had to eat for the past week, it would have been enough.
5. If there was only one laugh in the whole world, it would have been enough.
6. If only one sweet girl had given me a bouquet of flowers, it would have been enough.
7. If my children had no friends except the Lord, it would have been enough.
8. If no one came to visit me in my time of need except my Heavenly Father, it would have been enough.
9. If the house had but one lamp and one source of heat, it would have been enough.
10. If my husband had just a passing interest in coins as a shared hobby with our youngest son, rather than an obsession that leaves him hunched over a magnifying glass for 7 hours, it would have been enough.
11. If I had only a bullet to bite instead of modern anesthesia when my belly was cut don't know if that would've been enough...actually I would rewrite this one . Tee hee.
12. If only I could limit my corniness to things that would be appropriate to crack up about, it would have been enough. But I thought today of a euphemism for my latest surgery: "The Destruction of Habitat for New Humanity."
13, If I had just shampoo and no conditioner, it would have been enough.
14. If I had seen just one stinkbug this week, it would have been enough/too much.
15. If Garrison Keillor had told just one hilarious joke on Prairie Home Companion, it would have been enough. But he gave us almost two hours of eye-rollers, side-splitters, and in-betweeners last night.

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