Friday, February 11, 2011

Looks Like We're Getting a New "New Dog"! Now with Picture!

After much searching, and after having our first doggie adoption fall through, we got a call last night that we were chosen to adopt Murphy. The adoption center had over 20 applications for him, but --this makes me choke up with gratitude-- our application had everything they were looking for" for their dog. It just "so happens" (no, it doesn't, we prayed a lot and God has been answering detailed prayers!) that Murphy appears to be everything we want in a dog--smart, loving, trustworthy, young, and housetrained--not to mention gorgeous and very approachable.

It's a bittersweet tale of love and loss for the dog's owner. In a way I'm afraid to let my heart to get attached to Murphy since the turn-of-events with Riley. You know what they say, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings." (Allrighty, then, maybe I should warm up my vocal chords and belt it out!!!)

But as of last night, the rescue lady sent me the adoption papers, expressed her great happiness that Murphy will have a lot of room to romp and play, and will be great for Therapy visits, and will always have someone to Velcro his golden self to. The owner wants some pictures of our place to see where her dear pup will be living. She also wants to keep him this weekend to grieve the loss of her father with Murphy there (the dog was a gift from him a year ago, and this weekend marks the one-year anniversary of his passing). Her young adolescent son is having a terrible time letting the dog go, but the landlord has said no pets. The family he then was first placed with loved him greatly but one of their children is severely allergic, a fact they didn't know because this was their first dog ever. Everyone is this triangle (the owner, the fosters, and us) have lost a dog in one sense or another in the past month, and yet I have faith that God will bring the best to each family. It just seems like we're the ones getting the best of the best. Deep healing from losing Molly, our golden girl, made possible in large part through the life of this new one-year-old purebred Golden from Pennsylvania.

Murphy will be neutered on Monday or Tuesday and has special permission by the landlord to recuperate this week after that. Our plan is go up Saturday and bring Murphy home, to his new home. And if it works out, I may even get to meet a blogging friend, Jessi, for the first time in real life. She lives in the same town as the adoption center. How cool is that?

Click on his picture and then hit CTRL and the + key to upsize it. Might have to hit the plus key a few times to make it big enough for yourself!


  1. I am over the moon for you and your family! :) another irish name.. love it!

  2. That's awesome about the new dog! I came from a family where there were always lots of pets!

    Your comment on my Hodgepodge post completely cracked me up, by the way! I'm going to do my best to avoid tasting vinyl and hopefully a with a fully charged iPod I won't even hear the kids! :)


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