Saturday, March 12, 2011

Closet Purge a la Project Simplify

The master bedroom closet/wardrobe was the first of five "hot spots" to be revealed and tackled in a blog I joined last Monday. Surprisingly, the whole job took less than two hours.

This is the best I can do for a "before" shot right now. I took others on my cell phone, but my son suddenly needed to take my phone to a retreat this weekend, and I totally forgot about the pictures on it. (Trust me, those pictures revealed a closet that totally betrays the term "walk-in.")Nonetheless, all we need is one "before" shot to link up with Project Simplify.

The top of my side of this closet--not horrible, but had some Target-type bags of miscellaneus keepers tossed willy-nilly up there by shorty me. Since the top part was otherwise organized, I used a camera and not a chair to "see" what was left after grabbing those misplaced bags with a coat hanger!

Hmm. what have we here? Camera says one orthotic and some Lemonheads that should've gone into Paul's stocking at Christmas.

So I tucked them into his shoes as a surprise.
(The candy, that is, not my orthotic.)

He had already propped up the heavy hanging
bag of linens to take stress off the rod.
Smart man. How'd I get such a great guy?
I'm liking the mostly-clear floor space, too:).

My clothes (a few more were in the laundry).

lower part

His side looks no different "before" or after.
Take your pick. He's just that way. Sick, huh?

His shoes: left. My shoes: right. Looks like
I have room to buy more. Haha!

The keepers.

The stuff getting sold by April 2nd at our church's
yard sale.

As always, I learned a few things in this process:

1. Cleaning my closet inspires me to listen to country music. I realize I secretly enjoy both closet overhauls and redneck tunes.

2. Mr. Concrete Sequential married--and still loves--Miss Abstract Random, which is evident from the pictures. Okay, so this is not something I just learned, but something I always appreciate. His hangers are "naturally" about an inch apart on any given day, and mine aren't. My hangers are more touchy-feely with each other.

3. Stop thinking that certain things will "grow on" you in a good way. Most unworn/unused things in your closet will grow on you like body fat and leg hair. The purse I bought on Ebay for ten bucks in September, for example. It was lackluster then, and still is. Out with it!

4. I still hide in black. It's not my color, but it makes me feel thinner. I got rid of most, but not all, my black clothes, or I'd have next to nothing to wear. I'm a brown gal.

5. "My" colors are typically culled from an Italian menu: marinara, eggplant, garlic toast, Romaine lettuce, mushroom, chianti. Anything but olive. Most decorating consultants say to take clues from your wardrobe as to what your favorite colors are. I need to do the opposite!

6. The previous homeowner blesses me often, without knowing it. I've thanked God many times for how that man used his gifts around this house to design and build superb storage spaces with beautiful wood. Our garage, basement, and master bedr00m walk-in closet are the best examples. Not only is our closet an efficient walk-in, I love the wood every day. Since I'm not a clothes-horse, I have no need of a dresser.

And that's my finished product for this week's chosen "hot spot." I'm semi-apprehensive about what next week's hot spot will be. Maybe it'll be "under sinks" and I'll discover I secretly like opera?

1 comment:

  1. Country music for closets and opera for "under sinks" makes perfect sense! I think. I recently ridded out some clothes and found I need some replacements! Goodbye to the too tight tops, skirts and slacks! All this done with the Beatles in the background. Beatles for longevity!


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