Friday, March 25, 2011

Fighting Feelings of Failure

I can easily see how cleaning, decluttering, and decorating can become an obsession. But for the wrong reasons. This week I have felt like a failure as a wife, mother, teacher, sister, friend, and follower of Christ, but a success as a dejunker, yard sale preparer, and pet owner. Big deal. So what?

None of the conversations I've had lately have encouraged me. Not one. I feel like I might as well hang a sign around my neck that says, "Ultimate Failure." Across my back I should velcro a tag that says, "Kick me. I deserve it."

And now, back to doing what I've learned to do after failing miserably so many times before--getting rid of stuff. Everywhere I turn I just want to pitch and throw, and I think now that I'm a roll emotionally, I'll capitalize on it. I already got rid of 27 things this morning. That was the result of a conversation that was about the fifth rotten one I've had this week.


  1. Thanks, but I'd prefer not to.

  2. (((hugs))) my dear, you are certainly not a failure. We all have those times when it seems nothing we do or say is "right" (and why do those things always travel in packs, hitting us one after another in quick succession?). What keeps us from being failures is that we keep going rather than giving up.

    Heh - I do the same thing when I'm upset - clean and declutter, as the housework is the only thing I really have control over!

  3. Just know that you are loved, failure or super success. It doesn't matter. Thinking you are a failure is like someone thinking they have Alzheimer's. If you have the ability to think such a thing it usually doesn't apply!
    Here's a link that really encouraged me today.((hugs))


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