Friday, March 18, 2011

Paper Decluttering Week: Before & After

Project Simplify's challenge this week: deal with the paper clutter in your desk/home office area, or really the area(s) where paper/office junk drives you the bonkiest. For me, it happens at the corner of Foyer and Kitchen.

"Twas not perfect but a successful week dealing with paper clutter. It's nevcr eliminated, just greatly reduced when I put my mind to it.

This was the area that I concentrated on and dealt with the 80% that I could. The other 20% (mail, school work, phone chargers) I need the other family members to deal with since it's theirs.

BEFORE pictures:

Junk drawer. Couldn't help but notice
we have copious amounts of Krazy Glue.
The stuff that holds our family together?

The innerds of "the office."

Is there a better place for the toaster oven so
our bills don't "accidentally" catch on fire?

Some things have got to go.

Per Tsh's helpful advice, I surrounded myself with trash can, recycling bin, "to be shredded" box (since we don't have a shredder right now), a "take action" box

and this one:

My cardboard categories helped immensely:

Aah. Move-in condition. Love it.

My cheerleader in the process, our 13-month old
puppy. Doesn't judge, but easily distracts me! How
could you not want to stop and play with this
cute, happy fella?

Worthy tenants can breathe now that the squatters
are gone.

The junk drawer now with stacked organizers.
I do have a penchant for pens, but the non-working
ones were evicted.

The other drawer, outfitted with coffee & filters.

VOILA! The finished project. Coffeepot has switched
places with toaster oven. There was less bumping into
the other "rush hour" folks this morning as a result.

And now I can see those four beautiful babies pictured here.
The oldest of the babies is 6'7" and turns 23 in a few days. His birth
initiated me into the Morning Coffee Club, among many
other things as a mother.

Perhaps that's what I loved best about this project.
Realizing that when the stuff is gone, or at least properly placed, it's a whole
lot easier to focus on the people you love.


  1. Yes!!! And you're right! Properly placed stuff equals "love focus"!! (Or something like that!)

  2. Thanks for coming by my blog, It's so nice to meet new bloggers.

    You did a great job on this! It feels so good to get rid of stuff and have things neat and organized. I need to work on our garage.

    Hope you are having a nice weekend.

  3. Kudos to you! Looks so neat and tidy. It feels so good to do something like this. Now, the job is to keep it this way. :o)

    I hope you can find a rectangular "thingy" for your door.

    Blessings for a wonderful new week!

  4. Wow! Looks great! Congrats on getting it done!

  5. I know I'm a little behind, but I'm just catching up on my blog reading - good for you!! Great job! I haven't even begun...


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