Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Springtime Hodgepodge, Written Under a Blanket

Joining Joyce again, this time for springtime Hodgepodge. The only signs of spring today are daffodils and some greening of my weeping willow.

1. Sunday was the first day of spring. So they say. Ahem.
What is your favorite outdoor springtime activity?

Well, back to the first part . "They" say Sunday the 20th was the first day of spring, but I will always, always, always say it's March 21st. My firstborn's birth ushered in spring on that day in 1988, and forever his birthday is synonymous with the first day of spring.

My favorite springtime activity? Cutting daffodils for the first time and arranging them on the kitchen table in a white pitcher. I also-- (don't gag)-- enjoy washing windows and then changing my curtains.

2. Who would you want to come into your kitchen to cook dinner for you?

Hmmm. My first thought was Emeril Lagasse because he is so cute and personable and I love food that's been "kicked up a notch," as he says. BAM! He could also teach me a lot of things, I'm sure. I also think "pork fat rules" (gotta lummie sum bacon). But then I thought he would judge all my inferior cookware (inferior for him, good for me) or that I'd feel compelled to rush out and buy his brand before his arrival --you know, "suck up" to him?

So my new answer to the question would be "my cousin's husband, Rene." (Hard to take good pics in the limo, but you can see his incessant smile.) He absolutely shines in the kitchen, loves it, and is an extraordinary host. He fixed some superb tamales on New Year's Day this past year when I went to Texas-- for a mini-family reunion/NYE celebration-- and then hired a limo to take all of us (about 16 people) down to San Antonio's Riverwalk, where he had arranged (with my sister) a cruise on the river under Christmas lights, followed by service of hot cocoa on the top floor of a tower restaurant overlooking the entire city. That's what I'm talking about, baby. All the love and thoughtfulness and over-the-top memory making gift he has. The difference between having Emeril or having Rene in the kitchen would be love. I love Rene and would feel totally at ease with him in my kitchen. Emeril would impress me for sure, but Rene would bless me.

3. When did you last fly a kite?

Wow. I can't remember the last time I personally flew one. I remember when my husband and his brother Tony took the kids out to a big field and flew one. Or was that just a remote- controlled airplane? I don't remember if there was a kite or not!

4. What topic puts you to sleep faster than anything?
Almost anything dealing with electronic gaming or handheld devices. I am just not into video games, giga gadgets, "cool" apps and all that hoo-ha. As long as I have a computer and a working cell phone, I'm content with technology.

5. Which flowers do you associate with specific people, places, or events?

Daffodils--my oldest son's birth; daisies--my daughter's favorite; yellow roses--my husand's first gesture of "friendship" to me before he got up the nerve to actually use his words; poinsettias--our wedding; gladiolas--a former boss with a Spanish accent couldn't STAND them or the smell. Some were delivered at work one day and she went on and on, rolling those r's with disdain, about how "they jist remin't me uff my GRAN-mutherrr's fYOONerrhral in Pware-t'REEco. I think dey arhr ukly and dey STINK! Doan'jew agrhee?" One time, I shall never forget, I got flowers delivered to me at home from an anonymous sender. To this day I have no clue who sent them, but I was in a serious depression and they lifted me up and showed me God's love.

6. What significant historical events took place during your elementary school days?
I was unaware of world politics, for the most part, in those days. I do remember later that I was concerned about the hostages in Iran. My dad dug up a Christmas tree from our "back 40" in December, but the ground in January was too cold to replant it. Same with February. As we approached March, I was so embarrassed to be the only family with their Christmas tree still up. My mom (a poli-sci major and totally devoted to current events on the globe) said, "We'll leave it up till the hostages come home." She wasn't kidding. Replanting that five-foot pine was our celebration of the hostages' homecoming. I also remember (high school) the day Ronald Reagan was shot. He was my favorite President and I prayed and prayed for God to spare his life. I remember his humor: "I hoped that all my doctors were Republican."

7. Do you swear?

Yes. When I'm super angry/out-of-control mad, my speech is not "seasoned with salt" but "peppered with other things," I'm afraid. I wasn't raised like that. It shouldn't be part of my vocabulary, and it isn't the norm, but when I'm truly heated up over a searing hurt, it's like the proverbial sailor takes over my mouth.

Do you pseudo-swear? (You know crap, shoot, friggin'?)

Heck, yeah .

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I didn't realize how much I already loved our new dog, Reilly, until this past week. Last Friday his face and throat swelled up huge as a St. Bernard's, he was itching from head to tail, and he was having trouble breathing. We rushed him to the vet. He'd been bitten by a spider, the vet surmised. But Reilly survived the allergic reaction with steroids, Benadryl, and a lot of prayer.

Then yesterday he gave me another scare. I was in the family room, decluttering the toys, minding my own business. I had been ignoring him while "in my zone," and he'd fallen asleep behind "his" chair. He was lying on his side, and his eyes were open, glossy. I called, "Reilly?" No response. Normally he lifts his head. "Reilly?" I called more loudly. Panic. He didn't even twitch a tail. I screamed, "Reilly!" thinking he was dead! I thought, How? Did you choke on a Lego creation and I didn't notice? Or a sock? Wake up! Those glossy eyes freaked me out! But yelling in his face woke him up. Man! Be still my heart! Guess he was in his zone!

Here is swollen Reilly. Freak-ay!


  1. I miss the humor of Ronald Reagan too. And a few other things about him as our President!

    Ha-buying cookware to impress a celebrity chef. Let's pretend they have to bring in all the dishes and carry them out when they go!

  2. That dog is adorable! But why so swollen? Hehe

  3. Oh my, my heart went into my stomach when you talked about Reilly. Two scary events. So glad he is okay.


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