Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A to Z

The clutter photos will have to wait till the next-next post, at least. Technical difficulties. Hope the news doesn't make you dissolve into a puddle of tears.

Meanwhile, I found this short little meme that looked like fun, so I'm playing along with Carrie at Farming on Faith.

A. Age: 45
B. Bed size: queen
C. Chore you dislike: decluttering
D. Dogs: 1, a 14-month-old golden male we adopted in February from someone who was clueless about how to care for him. He's sometimes too cute for words, and other times I have to bite my tongue against the words that do spring to mind.

E. Essential start to your day: coffee, eggs, and Bible reading
F. Favorite color: purple
G. Gold or silver: Love 'em both. Partial to silver. Bring on the bling!
H. Height: 5'3"
I. Instruments you play(ed): piano, harmonica, triangle
J. Job title: Mother & Teacher
K. Kids: 4
L. Live: I do.
M. Mom’s name: Brenda
N. Nicknames: Z, Zo, Zozie, Hey, Shorty, Comfy Princess
O. Overnight hospital stays: following each of four births and a recent surgery
P. Pet peeves: typos in commercial print; misused apostrophes; the words "like" and "ya know" and other fillers of speech; nervous laughs; people who talk about themselves on and on and without asking about the other person; riding w/ aggressive drivers; nail biting; mumbling instead of clear speech; seeing sweat pants on people in public; waiting for people to come to the table after I called and the food (MY food) is getting cold!; many more.
Q. Quote from a movie: "Here's lookin' at you, kid."

R. Righty or lefty: Righty.
S. Siblings: 3 sisters
T. Time you wake up: when my bladder says so
U. Underwear: Is this a yes/no question?? How about “Uniform” instead? cotton V-neck top and jeans

V. Vegetables you don’t like: not a fan of collard greens

W.What makes you run late: poor time management (usually my own, sometimes my youngest kid's)
X. X-rays you’ve had: starting from the top-- teeth, neck, back, pelvis, ankle
Y. Yummy food you make: beef burgundy is a fave, and a dish called "Don't Invite the Rabbi, Just the Pasta" which has bacon and noodles as key players
Z. Zoo animal favorites: lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! plus zebras, monkeys, camels, and giraffes

Want to play along? (Remember the days we used to "tag" each other? Teeheehee.)

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