Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge: Chicken, Fools, Museums

Better late than never. I'm joining Joyce once again to answers questions From the Other Side of the Pond

1. April rolls in at the end of this week and in celebration of that infamous date (April 1st) answer this question-What is something foolish you've done?

"Pressing milk makes curd, pressing the nose makes it bleed, and pressing anger stirs up strife." I think most of my foolishness comes right out the mouth.

2. With April comes Easter and that classic edible treat known as tell me...what's your favorite way to fix/eat chicken? That wasn't what you were expecting, was it? I 'fooled' you. teehee.

About twice I year I love to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken. But then I have to drink a bottle of Dawn detergent to cut the grease off the roof of my mouth. My next favorite way to eat it is in Chicken Mediterranean Salad, which has grilled chieken (sliced) over mixed greens, pineapple chunks, red onion, cukes, shredded cheddar, and my own whipped up honey-dijon dressing.

3. What's the best museum you've ever visited? Or your favorite? Or the one you'd most like to visit?

The Smithsonian Museum of American History is one I've visited about three times, and it never gets old. I'm quite the history buff. When I had young kids, we took them to the Cincinnati Children's Museum, which was fantastic. For art, the Walters in Baltimore has stirred my love, and I really like the American Visionary Art Museum. But where would I love to go? The Louvre in France! I'd also like to visit the Met in NY or the Philly Museum. I feel so old liking art museums because I remember my aunt her friends getting a bang out of walking around what I thought were dull, boring places.

4. You know what they say about April showers...what's your preference-a shower or a bath?

Shower. It wakes me up and helps me face the day .If we had a super-comfy tub, I'm sure I'd be bathing more often.

5. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"...fact or fiction? Why?

Fact. Although, I once heard that 9 days should be the limit that spouses are apart. After that (according to this factoid) the two start feeling independent in a not-so-healthy way. I enjoy the occasional 4-day trips my hubby takes. The first two days I feel like a free bird, eating ice cream for dinner if I want. The third day I prepare for his homecoming, and the 4th day I'm usually really eager to see him. Of course, when the kids were little, I could barely wait for 5 pm to roll around every day! Ten hours alone without him was too much.

6. What's your favorite product made/grown in your home state/province?

If you count crabs, that would be it. I love Maryland crabs. There's nothing quite like 'em.

7. What is going on in the world today that affects you the most?

I wish I enjoyed being more "up" on current events, but they depress me or make me angry if I dwell too long, and I always have more than a hunch that the liberal media isn't quite telling the whole story. What affects me most is seeing all the problems (hunger, poverty, child trafficking, drugs, murder, illiteracy, superstition, slavery, disease) and feeling helpless to do a thing about it. I'm so thankful that God is in control of it all, even though it doesn't always look like it. The biggest problem is sin; all these other things are byproducts of people rejecting God's love and not esteeming His holiness. But I can't change people's hearts, either. I can't even change mine! Somehow when I pray I don't feel so helpless.

8. Random thought: I was thinking today about what it would be like to lose both of my parents within a year of each other. The reason? I went to a viewing today; my friend's dad passed away a few days ago, and his mom passed away last April, I believe. Their daughter will be getting married in May, wearing her grandmother's wedding dress. These things made me recall our wedding; Paul's mom died three weeks before our ceremony, barely 13 months after his brother died. I have a feeling that my parents will die close together, one of a disease, and the other of a broken heart. That's a depressing thought to end with, but it's been a heavy-hearted day for me.


  1. I have always loved art museums. I grew up in a suburb of Phila and I remember liking the museum even as as kid...even before Rocky made it famous : )

    Maryland crabs are in my top three favorite foods in all the world!

    Sorry you're feeling heavy hearted. Hope today is brighter.

  2. I've wanted to go to the Smithsonian for a long time. Hopefully some day I will get there. Never gave it any thought but now that I will be in Paris this summer I think I need to do the Louvre! I know our world is in big trouble and it breaks my heart.
    I seldom watch the news and never read the paper, it's all so sad.

  3. History museum never gets old! ha! Intentional or no, that was funny :)

    I love you sweetie

  4. The Smithsonian American History Museum is great. Too bad that's where we "lost" my husband for a few hours. I kept track of the 5 kids, but lost him... go figure! :) Makes a good story now though, and thankfully he was found safely. Enjoyed stopping by your blog!

  5. I was thinking of the "threads" and "fabrics" God uses in fashioning and finishing us.. The way He has made us and the experiences He gives us- custom made! Ya know? (I know you know!) That's what went through my mind as I read this post! Blessings!


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