Monday, April 18, 2011

The D&O Railroad Project

Announcing the
D&O Railroad Project.

As I promised Kelly in my previous post, I will join her in continuing to simplify the home through decluttering and organizing. I've wasted time trying to come up with a catchy little name for this endeavor, to no avail. The names I thought of, which I googled for originality, had already been taken. One of them even had something to do with smoking marijuana--clearly not the kind of buzz I wanted to participate in, let alone promote.

"Decluttering and organizing" is too long to write out, but that is what we're attempting here. So I've shortened it to D&O, which reminded me of the B&O (Baltimore & Ohio) Railroad. Staying on track, having a beginning and an end, and sharing the ride is the plan. Want to board with us?

I said it would be as easy as A,B,C. The way it works is to choose as few or as many areas to declutter as fits your energy, schedule, and priorities for the week. I will suggest things, but feel free to come up with your own. I've backed this challenge down to 4 weeks, not six,
since I know my personality and what is coming is May. I'm better with short-term goals.

April 18 - May 13

For this first week, choose one or more areas that start with any of the following letters:
A,B,C,D, E, or F.

For example:
A-archives, alcove, attic
B--bookshelves, basement, bedroom
C- corner, closet, cosmetics
D- dresser, dishes, drawer, desk
E- edibles
F- fun room, Fido's stuff, footwear

Start with something that's getting on your last nerve. For me, it's corners. I'm going to start with the corner in my bedroom that is supposed to house only my photo boxes and photo albums, but has become an impound lot for miscellany. (I have other corners that fit that description, but I'm starting with that one so I can sleep better.)

Be sure to take your "before" shot right away as you board the D&O train. We all like to know that we're not alone in our "stacks o' clutter." Then arm yourself with a trash bag, a Giveaway box, a Keep/Take Action box, and pen and paper. You will think of things you need to do or buy as you go along. Don't get sidetracked by leaving the area to jot down those things.

Ready? Leave a comment after picking your first stop on the D&O Railroad. Finish by Friday and post by Sunday.

Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga...


  1. Good luck with your de-cluttering! I like the alphabet feels less overwhelming. I'm going to have a skip (dumpster) here for a couple of weeks while we get a new patio...I need to take advantage of that and purge a little inside too.

  2. Its a toss between a certain drawer and the entryway closet. I'll decide by the time I get home tonight.

  3. Do the worst first. That's a motto that propels me out of the valley of indecision.


I love nice comments. Please leave one in my box.