Friday, April 08, 2011

G is for God

Continuing with the A-Z Challenge,

today's letter is G. G is for God.

Here is what I believe about God, summarized in the Apostles' Creed. The words below were put to the beautiful music of Rich Mullins, who sings while playing the hammered dulcimer in this video clip. My husband and I were huge fans of this young man, and had the privilege of hearing him in concert twice before his fatal car accident in 1997. I will give Rich a big hug when I see him in heaven and thank him for his timeless tunes that speak to my soul.


I believe in God the Father almighty
Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ
His only begotten Son, our Lord
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Born of the virgin Mary
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
He was crucified and dead and buried

And I believe what I believe
Is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not
The invention of any man

I believe that He who suffered
Was crucified, buried, and dead
He descended into hell and
On the third day, rose again
He ascended into Heaven where
He sits at God's mighty right hand
I believe that He's returning to
Judge the quick and the dead
Of the sons of men


I believe it, I believe it
I believe it
I believe it, I believe it

I believe in God the Father almighty
Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son,
Our Lord
I believe in the Holy Spirit
One Holy Church, the communion of Saints
The forgiveness of sin
I believe in the resurrection
I believe in a life that never ends


  1. I also look forward to meeting Rich Mullins in person. Thank you for sharing this; it was good to hear it again.

  2. I just taught my little girls Step by Step a few weeks ago and Melody is still singing it this week.

  3. Beautiful...thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

  4. I believe too. Thank you for this.

  5. By the way, I've enjoyed the ABC series.

  6. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, Zoanna! I love your cheerful-looking blog...and your name, how pretty!

    By the way, I loved Rich Mullins, and that song is one of his best.

    I'd love it if you would check out my book/reading blog:

    Cindy's Book Club

  7. That's interesting, we don't have a chorus when we say the creed.
    We use the 1662 version in our church. :O)


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