Tuesday, April 19, 2011

P is for PIt

This will be short. A pit stop, really.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. Psalm 40:2 (NLT)

I was recalling in my journal today how many times the Lord has brought me out of "the pit." Six years ago today was one of the hardest days of my entire life. A figurative bombing of my own life's federal building. I won't go into detail, but something that I had feared six months prior happened almost as I had predicted. Whenever information is withheld from me, I go into panic mode if I feel the least bit unloved. If I feel disposable or replaceable, the feelings of foreboding bite into my very core, their sharp teeth bearing down into my soul and gripping me like a ... dare I say...a pit bull?

Although I have forgiven my offenders,I have clearly not forgotten. But I have learned lessons about myself and about other people, namely not to align too closely with humans I don't trust.

But more than that I learned that Jesus defeats the Enemy and can be trusted to lift me out of the pit. The night that that incident took place, April of 2005, I was so filled with anger and hatred that I was visited by creatures I can only describe as gremlins. They hovered near the family room ceiling, crossing swords like x's in front of themselves, mocking and jeering, telling me I had no right to call myself a Christian and that I deserved what I got, and look what God had done to me now! Still, in the midst of the lies, in the midst of shaking in fetal position on the couch, I cried out, "Help me, Jesus. Tell them to get out of here! Help me, Jesus." And within moments, the voices and the gremlin faces vanished. I eventually calmed down, and was "spent" from agony and crying; the evil left the room. The name of Jesus, though I hated what had been done IN His name (supposedly), was my strong tower. Jesus rescued me. He had rescued me many times before, and many times since, but this day every year reminds me of His saving grace. It's not a one-time deal to "get saved." It's daily a saving from myself and the lies of the Enemy and the evil in the world if I get too close to it.

I don't like to talk about the experience, and honestly it took me two years and a lot of hard counsel to get to the point of forgiving those who had offended me, and to confess my part in the ordeal as well. After that, the ground was "more steady as I walked along."

In some ways I feel I am almost there again, almost at the bottom of yet another pit. I am in a fight right now to believe Truth, and to love my Passover Lamb, Jesus. He will deliver me out of this pit. I am sure of it.


  1. Hi-I didn't have your email so am leaving this here...

    taly France...who can choose? Not me! Probably Italy is my favoriteplace in the world but I loveFrance too, especially the countrysideand villages away from Paris.

    Keep in mind there is not a lot of air conditioning in some of theseplaces so mid summer can be hot and sticky. Even hotels andrestaurants are without it just fyi. I personally think September isthe best month to travel but that might just be me. Usually theweather is good, the kids are back in school so things aren't ascrowded, and it's not the tourist season.

    That being said-there is always something to see any time of year.I'd stay away from the heart of the winter as many things close earlyor completely, you'll miss all the fabulous gardens, and they have so little daylight.

    Italy is friendlier to the tourist. France is not unfriendly but thoseItalians...I love them!

    Have fun!

  2. Praise God! At the name of Jesus, EVERY knee shall bow. Such power in His name.

    Nice to 'meet' you!

    God's blessings,


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