Sunday, April 03, 2011

Project Simplify: Fridge and Pantry Were "Two" Much

Is there anything good to eat in here?

Or here?

Well, I can't link up this week at Project Simplify because I simply didn't get a "before" shot of either my fridge or my pantry. Lame excuses, but the motivation to get started--and finished--trumped my desire to snap a shot of pantry pandemonium. So no chance at the prizes for me.

Besides, I have two freezers and two pantries, and the second pair didn't get any attention. (Most things in the garage don't.)

However, the prize I really wanted was the orderliness itself. To make a harmonious hang-out for all the breakfast foods, and stop trying to force them to fit in with pasta which is just not their type. To throw out microscopic peanut shards from the \Carter administration. And to see exactly how many things I could whomp up and call a meal without actually grocery shopping.

After two hours and forty-five minutes of brutal sorting, ruthless tossing, maniacal labeling, and doing all the things that make me feel simultaneously antsy and accomplished, I went grocery shopping to two different stores, came home and unloaded both perishables and non-imperishables, made two spinach/bacon/egg salads that were going to different destinations, changed into the second of two outfits of the day, and attended two more events before the end of the night. Oh, and then I came home and double-checked my art lessons and supplies for the two classes I teach on Thursdays.

I am not just a cook. I'm a kook!

A happy kook with an organized pantry that beckons me to open its bi-fold door and behold something that....BETTER NOT GET MESSED UP ANY TIME SOON!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Food! Food! FOOD!!! And the "storage" of it all! You are making progress for sure! Your labeling is superb and even in large print! As you well know, it takes almost constant effort to keep food organized, in the right place and in easy reach! Got any chocolate? I'm just sayin' that if you need to organize again soon, I'd suggest an ice cold Coke (the Coke is in easy reach I see!) with a little chocolate to help ya get the job done! Or since you like to cook, maybe some flax seed muffins and some hot tea would be an even better option!?! Or peanut butter with ???


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