Saturday, April 30, 2011

Z is for ZZ's Last A-Z Challenge Post

Well, at last, I'm at ze end of ze A-Z Challenge . I will have to say it's been a great way to pick a topic to blog about. The challenge to post daily is not a challenge at all for me. Blogging is a fun hobby for me.

At the end of every adventure, I like to evaluate the pros and cons. In no particular order, here's a list of my thoughts.

1. It helped to choose a theme for the challenge. I chose memories.
2. I learned from taking this "trip down memory lane" that I didn't include as many high school memories as I could have.
3. Quitting was what I felt like doing at letter Q, but I had come so far and didn't want to give up.
4. "Meeting" other bloggers is fun and inspiring. The one I checked in with daily was Joyce, whose theme was travel. I'll be asking her advice for many things in the near future.
5 . Pictures would have made my posts more appealing, but so many of mine that include OLD memories were taken on OLD school film and are in OLD albums. It would have taken a lot more time than I was willing to devote in order to take them out and scan them, or even to shoot pictures of pictures in my albums. I will do that as time permits for future posts.
6. I am too wordy.
7. It was refreshing to me to jot down my memories, even though I'm sure most people skimmed or skipped my posts. At least now they're on record.

That's about it. I am ready now to get back to blogging in a more "normal" way. Thanks for sticking with me, if you did.

1 comment:

  1. Ziowie Zoanna! You did well from A to Z!
    Thanks for taking the challenge!


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