Friday, May 20, 2011

Images from the Co-op Art Gallery, Grades 4-6

I just love children's art. I also love being an art teacher. I have taught for four years now, and each year gets better and better. This past year I taught grades 4-6 in our homeschool co-op.
Our end-of-year Presentation Night features art, science, and music.

I had 22 students, and allowed each to put up six projects plus their name "placard" done as a lesson in positive and negative space.

For the backdrop (since I've been craving color all winter!) I took two large rolls of colored bulletin board paper, one bright green, one cobalt blue.

My adult helper assisted me in putting up the 4th graders' art. Masking tape loops work; Scotch does not. We found it easier to put up the backdrop paper first, using poster tack. It took two hours for two of us to hang nine students' work. Good thing we hung it up two days in advance!

(These are notes to self, mostly, for future reference.)

The 5th and 6th graders taped up their own work. We finished in about 40 minutes, with 20 minutes left over for a party!

A major advantage to the backdrop paper hung in "strips" is that, at the end of the evening, each student can take down the whole strip, and carry home all their art as a unit.

This year we studied Monet, Van Gogh, Seurat, Homer, and Picasso in the first half of the year.

The second half consisted of various random art forms using a variety of media. Our longest project was the Mother's Day tray. (Separate how-to post in the future.) I used the gift bags from the Mothers' Day bags on the floor for added "pops" of color.

On the first day of class, we created portfolios to keep our art stored together at co-op. These are simple to make, although I would advise using only white posterboard, since it's hard to read names written on other colors..

This year also included some "academic" work because for many of the lessons, I began with a 10-minute "lecture" in art history and appreciation with biographical info on the painters we were studying. The students had to take notes. They had multiple choice, essay, and drawing on their test. They all got A's. I was one happy teacher.

We used oil pastels, chalk pastels, watercolor, and acrylics.
We drew with pencils. We made collages. We used clay one week for fun but didn't make a finished product.

These were the fastest 24 weeks ever. That's what happens when you love what you do and the people you get to share your love with.


  1. fantastic, zoanna! It looks like you and your students did a great job in art this year.

  2. Thanks, Laurie. It's so great to see you here on my blog! ;)

  3. Fun! Colorful! Appealing! Educational! Appreciated!
    Art! Art! Art! Love! Love! Love!
    What a fun art show evening with a great array of mediums! Oh! I'd like an enthusiastic art teacher like you, Mrs. Z.!! "May God confirm the work of your hands!"

  4. I love it!!!


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