Sunday, May 29, 2011

Daybook 5.29.11

An entry prompted by The Simple Woman's Daybook.

outside my window... bullfrogs are belching out their best midnight serenade. I think the amphibious males are singing to the females,"Won't You Hop into the Creek Bed with Me?"

I am thinking...about taking an electronic screen fast. Again. I need to change my focus for a little while. Trouble is, I really like being here. I don't understand how people ignore their blogs for weeks or months at a time.

thankful for
...courageous, compassionate, young adult children who lately have been engaging in heavy-duty spiritual warfare.

remembering...that "my sin--not in part, but the whole--was nailed to the cross and I bear it no more! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, oh my soul!"

from the learning rooms... We're almost finished for the year! Finished and done. A couple of math "finals" (so I can check his mastery of the year), a revision of a compare/contrast essay of dog vs. cat, and a wrap-up of geography, and we're done. I love saying "done!" Woo-hoo! I am so stinkin' ready to leave homeschooling behind it's not funny. It's been not a very pleasant year. I kept thinking it was going to get better, that my burn-out would be changed, but nah. I really believe that this phase of our lives is history. He needs a fun teacher with vision and spunk, he needs peers and more activity, he needs more structure. "It is not good for (even a little) man to be alone." It's even worse for his mama to be isolated.

from the kitchen... comes the scent of sauteed asparagus that we tossed into salad.

I'm wearing... what I wore to church today: a teal colored top and a breezy white/teal/yellow/brown skirt.

I'm creating...lists of things to create. Actually I am mentally creating a blog post called "Before and After Week." I hope to show the progress on gardens, lamps, pillows, and window treatments. I may have to change the title to "Before and After Month...or Summer...or..." at this rate.

I am hoping...for some powerful changes to occur deep within my heart over the next few weeks, and to be finally free of things that have held me prisoner for too long. I am hoping for the faith to believe that lasting change is possible, even for me.

A picture I'm sharing:
I took this a few weeks ago when I was decluttering. Just snapping random photos so that I would have "before" shots. I was too ashamed to post them, but as I zoomed in on this messy stack of miscellany, something stood out: JESUS. I thanked Him then and there for being in the middle of my mess. If you are in the middle of a mess, whether physical, financial, relational, or spiritual, remember that Jesus is in the middle of it.

1 comment:

  1. Where better to be than in the middle with Jesus!
    May we be centered on Him!
    May we be clay in His hands!!!!

    "He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, and covers me there with His hand."


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