Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why, Thank You! I Accept! Will You?

What a happy surprise to be reading along on Jessi's blog, Crocuses in March, and find she had nominated ME, along with others, for this distinguished honor that comes with a most beautiful blog button. I feel like I should change into an evening gown and buy some "fabulous-dahling" diamond earrings . The thought is blissful enough. Thanks, Jessi.

The idea is sort of an old-fashioned tag where I actually name the people whom I think deserve the award and actually, maybe quite possibly, update their blog more often than they change the battery in their smoke detector. I'm supposed to say 7 random facts about myself that I haven't disclosed yet. Could that be possible since this is literally my 1,295th blog post?

Ready? In random sequence, maybe these things will be "new" items about yours truly, things I want you to knowing before you make out your last will and testament. Ya never know when you might find such kindred spirit here that you decide to bequeath your collection of kitchen gadget duplicates to me.

1. I don't think I'm allergic to poison ivy. Everyone else in my family is, and there's plenty of it on our back fence near the woods. I know I've touched it, walked in it, and perhaps used it as filler in a vase with floral wonders from hither and yon. After all, nothing says "Welcome, Guests" quite like displaying foliage that all Boy Scouts are trained to recognize and run from.

2. Given the choice, I'd rather hang out with a group of men than women in casual social settings. I enjoy their brand of humor, their job tales, their subject matter that might include cars, home improvement projects, and other typically "guy stuff." Somehow their "small talk" does not bore me; I tire quickly of women's small talk, even my own!

3. When I like something a lot, I can sell it. In fact, I've been offered sales jobs on the spot in small boutiques simply because I offered my opinions and talked customers into $40 worth of goods in about five minutes as I stood behind them in line! I have "sold" jewelry, makeup, shoes, furniture, clothes, books, flowers, and eyeglasses by offering my opinions when asked (or sometimes by simply nudging them over hurdles of indecision). But that's only if I am absolutely sure I believe in the product, or think it's right for that customer from our brief interaction.

4. Once in a while I daydream about doing all the things in one year that I've wanted to do for twenty. Go snorkeling, take up the violin, work in the Vladimir "Baby House" in Russia for a year, lose half my body weight, go to culinary school abroad, paint wildlife, vacation two months on every continent except Antarctica (zero months, zero hours), take voice lessons, remodel the house, stage homes for sale, work for a florist, buy a new Audi A8, and teach one more child to read.

5. I despise women's T-shirts with writing, decals, or which otherwise advertise "been there, done that." I'm not quite as sensitive about guys' T-shirts, but unless you're painting or gardening, ladies, your printed T-shirt just look tacky to me. I so want to raise awareness on this topic. Maybe I'll organize the first 5K/1-mile walk/run ever that does not even OFFER a T-shirt at the event.

6. Three things I could live on: Life cereal, bananas, and gummy worms.

7. I believe that demons are real, and I wonder if the church has lost sight of the fact that there are principalities and powers at work that are wreaking havoc on believers. It's so much easier to remain naive and aloof or even skeptical. Not that I go looking for them or have a fascination with them. I do not. But I believe the church needs to wake up. We can't afford to sleep while others suffer with this often-taboo (or just plain unacknowledged) reality.

Now, may I present this award to five bloggers who deserve it:

Laurie @ Tulip in the Thicket
Joyce @ From this Side of the Pond
Lea @ CiCi's Corner
Sarah @ Homeward Bound (my lovely girl)
Kelly @ Wildlife and Home


  1. You're kidding me! I'm honored! 7 random facts, hmmm... :)
    By the way, I love fact number one!

  2. Well, yes, I will accept this. I don't always accept awards, it just depends if it "floats my boat" and this one does. Lucky for you! :o)

    You are such a writer! You have a little of it all, humor, seriousness,and spiritual. Doesn't get much better and it's always a joy to stop by.

    I'll get the award entry done in the next couple of days. Thanks and have a joy filled weekend. Hugs!

  3. On #7, I think it's really only the church in America and maybe Europe who've lost sight of the unseen forces around us. From what I've heard, Christians elsewhere are much more aware of that realm and fight. Here in the US I think we've ALL been fooled.

    LOL at the poison ivy. I've heard it said that the best way to make a guest feel at home is to find a way to have them do something to feel useful...ridding your table of poisonous foilage would sure do the trick!

  4. Lea, I'm glad this one "floats your boat" :). Thanks for the kind words. I don't want my blog to be too one-sided , either too heavy or too serious ,but to represent me. I enjoy reading other blogs that are "real life" --a mix of ups and downs, pain and pleasure, fluff and substance (with more substance).

    Diane, you are so right. I should have qualified the "church in America" since that is what I'm referring to and have experience with. I am sure that globally the Christians are highly aware of the spiritual realm of darkness and do more battle more often. In America we have so many freedoms and affluence that can easily distract us--not to mention that we are conditioned to feeling good and when we don't we immediately think it's a physical thing to be dealt with or there's a pill to pop for it. It's also easy to forget our siblings in Christ who suffer all the time under spiritually dark influences.

  5. Hi Zoanna!
    I love your enthusiasm, spunk and willing spirit!
    I also love these insights!
    Yes, I'll accept and thank you kindly deary!

  6. Thanks for the tag! I'll let you know when I post...have a nice weekend!


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