Monday, June 13, 2011

Miscellany Monday: Pranks (Plural) and Other Things Brought to You by the Letter "P"

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

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Passports to Pretty Places

My hubby is filling out his passport application! It's fun to see his handwriting on this most official of documents! That means my dreams are closer to reality and if you know me, you know I'm a dreamer with goals, not just a dreamer-dreamer! Most of me is very excited, but part of me is staying in denial so that if our trip to Italy doesn't pan out, I'm not crushed by disappointment. I don't do disappointment very well. Understatement of the year.


Providing for His Pretty

Our son Ben and his fiancee are looking for an apartment to rent when they're married. I can't believe I just wrote that sentence. Words like these still seem surreal. Wasn't it just last year that we were talking about T-ball game strategies, the reasons why we (are supposed to) use napkins instead of shirt fronts at the table, and how to give a proper handshake? Now my future daughter-in-law sits beside me on the sofa, heart all aflutter as she shows me photos and blueprints of apartments they looked at this weekend, and tells me about closet space and community pools. Meanwhile our son bemoans the cost, cheers the proximity to work and Dee's future school, and debates the pros and cons with us of renting vs. owning a home. Okay, moving right along (no pun intended, really!) ... too much emotion gunks up the keyboard.

"Prospective Parents"

Our daughter Sarah, whose major is Early Childhood Ed, has taken a keen interest in the new school where her little brother will probably attend this fall. When I read the email to her that "the meeting is for prospective parents," she replied, "Um, you guys aren't prospective parents. You're already parents. I'm pretty sure there won't be any prospective parents there, unless they're getting a really early start on their kids' education!"


Paddle boats and Practical Jokes

Here's my funny editor-girl going paddle-boating with her friend, Kerry, at the Inner Harbor last Saturday night.

Sarah, Kerry, Steve, and Ambrey all went to the Inner Harbor for Kerry's sake. She had never been (she's from out-of-state). So those four kids (they'll always be "kids" to me) piled into the van and went to Baltimore for a night on the town. All four love practical jokes, so they conspired to pull a fast one on passersby--tourists who just happened to be in the "right place at the right time." The joke would be that Steve would take Ambrey to the water's edge, get down on one knee, and propose marriage. The main difference would be that he'd pretend to mutter some heartfelt words but end with "Will you ...take a picture with me?" She played right along, hands waving in mock shock, wiping fake tears, the whole bit. (I don't know what's funnier, the prank, or the girls' laughter while videotaping it.)

Some people did stop and stare, but there was no dance mob. Maybe next time?

The real joke was on ME, though, because when Sarah was telling me about it the next day, I didn't catch the part that Ambrey was in on it. I thought Steve was pranking Ambrey, and I said, "Oh, that's just mean! Poor girl! Look at her waving her hands and everything!" (I tried uploading the video, but it's giving an error note, so I'll try again later. Stay tuned.)


Following in his brother's humorous footsteps, Joel decided to pull a prank on Steve, who'd be going back to his apartment to pack up for the summer away. Joel sneaked out to the Jeep while his brother was showering, and proceeded to write messages on his windows with window chalk. I was laughing right along with him.


  1. You have a wonderful family! They laugh with each other, and clearly love each other.

  2. LOVE Joel's car-comments - so funny!

  3. Yep! It's prime time good stuff!

  4. I am pulling for your trip to Italy. I want to hear all about it!
    Love that Joel is pulling these little pranks-that's the stuff of which good memories are made!


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