Thursday, June 02, 2011

A Moving, Funny, Inspiring Clip of Roger Ebert and His Post-Cancer Self

I found an online video clip about Roger Ebert when looking for something else, and it has made me grateful for something I often take for granted: the ability to speak, and not just speak, but to do so with my own natural voice (even though I'm not fond of my own voice), together with a working jaw, tongue, salivary glands, teeth, and a mind that coordinates my thoughts with others' in conversation. To be able to control the timing, volume, and inflections of one's voice is such a gift.

Check out this clip. It's not short, but it's powerful. It has also reminded me that I don't need to speak more loudly or more slowly just because the other person can't speak quickly or in a normal pitch back to me. They aren't deaf and haven't lost intelligence. The assumptions we make in our subconscious mind when processing language and verbal communication!
This is absolutely amazing. And to think the man has had seven--count 'em , 7--carotid artery ruptures and many surgeries following cancer.

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