Sunday, June 05, 2011

Our Son is Engaged!

On May 21, our oldest son, Ben, took his lovely girl, Deirdra, to their favorite spot on the trail, a picnic lunch in one hand, her hand in the other, a gorgeous ring in his pocket, and happy intentions in his pounding heart. She had no idea it was coming because several of us "back home" had told her things we were doing which made her think, "They wouldn't go to Philly or New York or a church meeting if they knew we were getting engaged this weekend!"

He had prearranged a pleasant spot near the water to spread out the lunch he had made and packed for them (such a sweetie) and she toted our only pink blanket (her favorite color, and more romantic that our baseball blanket). He had also pre-arranged a hiding spot in the trees for Dee's twin sister and brother-in-law to take pictures without notice. (I don't have those pictures from Siobhan yet, but trust me when I say they're something out of a summer chick flick!)

When they got back to the house, it was just me, Joel, Luke, and Siobhan waiting. Paul had gone to help friends with their big move. I got to hear all the juicy details that a mom is a bit more "into" than a dad, anyway! And I got to shoot a whole bunch of pictures of the happy couple.

It was funny watching the sisters take a gazillion shots of the ring. Ben did a great job choosing the perfect gem for Dee. (Siobhan helped; after all, who knows Dee better than her twin sister?)

In the one picture (sorry I can't line the captions up right today) Dee is pointing to a black smudge on Ben's shirt. That's mascara, she said, when I asked if she cried. "We were laying on our stomachs on the blanket and I was saying, 'Babe, it's just so hard to know how to plan for the future...for school, where to live, being apart so much..." and then she said, "Suddenly he sat upright and I'm like 'that's strange but I kept talking, and he got up on one knee and asked, "Well, would it help you to plan if..."and he pulled out the ring and said, "Will you marry me? I don't know what he said after that, I was just crying and shaking." I asked, "Well, do you remember saying "yes"? She DOES remember that!

Dee's mom hosted an engagement party in New Jersey (Dee's home state, about 1.5- hour hours north of us) that very evening, so it was a packed day. Packed with love, sunshine, love, excitement, a move, love, yard work, pictures, love, food, drinks, love, fellowship, driving, rain, love....


  1. How exciting! Congratulations to all...perhaps there will be some red headed twin grandchildren in your future. I'm married to a red head and just knew I'd have red heads. Mine are both blonde but I'm counting on some red headed grandchildren : )

    They make a cute couple-sweet story!

  2. Congratulations! How exciting. I look forward to all the fun stuff ahead.

  3. What a blessing to have been a part of such a special day! What a sweet story. Thank you for sharing!
    Congratulations to mama of the groom!

  4. Congratulations to Ben and Dee and all who love them and rejoice to see the beginning of a new family! What a cute couple! They look great together!

    PS Joyce- My husband and our middle daughter have red (auburn) hair. I thought sure that we'd have a red-headed grandcutie, but out of 7, there are no redheads!
    Of course that is fine! God gave us grandcuties who have hair in beautiful shades of blonde and brunette!
    Blessings, indeed!

  5. Congrats!! Love the mascara stain. Hehe

    I love when the girl is surprised. Maybe I'm old-fashioned this way, but I think it is strange when the girl picks out her own ring and pretty much knows what's coming. Anyhow, congrats to the lovely couple.


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