Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge and My Husband Turns 50 !

Just had to throw that in there. Might have pictures later in the week if I break my own blogging rule. Which I'm allowed to do. It's his party and I'll blog if I want to, blog if I want to...

Okay, this week's Hodgepodgery.

1. What makes you stand to your feet and cheer?

Any excellent performance. I have to really love it to give an ovation. Or I'll stand for a person I admire and respect, usually someone who has affected me personally. I don't stand just because everyone else is standing; today's audiences aren't too discerning. I think they stand too easily for mediocracy. Also I stand for soldiers and veterans, but my throat gets stuck with emotion so I don't "cheer" except from my heart. Outstanding games, and I cheer embarrassingly loudly if they involve my kids. Any stellar recitation, especially long passages of scripture, for it's God's Word I'm cheering as well as the person quoting it at length.

2. What's your favorite patriotic song?

The Star-Spangled Banner. I cry.every.single.time I hear it.

3. Do you believe that opposites attract? If you have a significant other are you opposites?

Yes and Yes, most definitely. To name a few of our differences:

a. He is tall and I'm short. b. He's a saver and I'm a spender. c. He likes to be alone, and I love being around people. d. His perfect vacation would consist of going back to the same familiar US beach, hearing live guitar music, drinking fine wine, dining on good eats, working out, and watching TV. Basically being at home with a beach and guitarist-other-than-himself. Mine would consist of a passport, hearing my honey serenade me, drinking fine wine, eating good eats, playing tennis on a "good knees day," going swimming, taking a romantic, moon-lit walk on the beach, and beating him at Scrabble. Which I never do. He whoops my can every time with 89 points on three-letter words. Sometimes he makes me want to duct tape his brains to mine. e. He values pragmatism. I value aesthetics. f. He works out every day or runs. I ...well, let's move on...

4. You're going to get a behind the scenes look someplace...where would you like that someplace to be?

Okay, so when I read the question the first time, I read "You're going to get a behind..." and I started panting, "And? and? it's going to be high and tight?" I really had my hopes up that it was a fantasy question.

Well, I guess it is, but my behind has nothing to with it.

Anyway, behind-the-scenes look someplace...Goodness. That makes me think and I'm really tired right now. Part of me wants to see how the Duggars live when the cameras aren't on them. I can't stand thinking that such a sticky-sweet wife and mom with 20 kids exists. I would love to witness a real-live disagreement and see how they handle it.

5. How far would you have to travel to ride a carousel (merry-go-round)?

You mean if I enjoyed going round and round on fake horses instead of cantering on a real one from point A to point B? Well, I'm sure there are carousels closer to home, but the only one I can think of is about 2.5 hours away at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

6. When was the last time you saw fireworks? What was the occasion? Do you enjoy fireworks?

I saw fireworks at my cousin Craig's house in Texas on New Year's Eve 2010. They have hosted year after year, but living so far away, I've never attended. He and his wife weren't going to do it this year, but when they heard I (and other family) were traveling to TX over the holiday, they "pulled out all the stops."

Unfortunately, at 5 pm, just as guests were arriving to their home, their little girl fell out of a tree and broke her arm at the elbow. I can still picture the lower half of her arm dangling like a marionette's limb from the joint. So they left the party to the rest of us (we're the confident, "we can handle this eating stuff without hosts, don't worry" types), and took their daughter for emergency orthopedic surgery at the hospital where my cousin works. The fireworks were a wonderful memory followed by any ever fonder memory--listening to my aunts, uncles, cousins, sister, and Texas friends singing hymns in 4-part harmony around the firepit.

All good memories except for sweet little Carolyn's voice, "Daddy, I think there's something wrong with my arm."
He and his wife put so much love, time, and money into planning for us and their friends' great time...and then missed it!!!!

7. Of all the 'beauty products' you own, what item do you consider to be the most overpriced?

Ounce for ounce, it's a curl enhancing liquid by Jonathan (a Beverly Hills stylist who had his own TV show for a while). I watched how he tried for months-- or was it years?--to perfect his own product line. I think he succeeded. Standing O. Soft curls, no frizz, no goop, and it smells good.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I have changed this answer so many times it's no longer a random one. I am swinging from the very petty (I spray painted lamps) to the burdensome (my mom's new diagnosis of Motion Intolerance). Nothing is coming out right, so I'll quit here. While I'm behind. The scenes.


  1. Well a broken arm during a party makes for a good story later...glad she was okay!

    I'm pretty sure Michelle Duggar is almost always sweet, camera or no.

  2. Your random cracked me up, especially the way you ended it.

    As did your fantasy "behind" the scenes.

    You have a cousin in Texas? Don't know what part of the state, but I bet there won't be any fireworks this year! Wish someone could send us some rain.

  3. I would also like to see Michelle Duggar yell...just once. Ha!

    That is so sad about your cousin's arm! Certainly made for memories, just not necessarily good ones. The singing around the fire added a nice touch though.

    Happy 50th Birthday to your Husband :)

  4. I loved the first three answers. You are a girl after my own heart!

    I don't know about the Duggars. It would be interesting, I agree.

    Bethany Beach is our favorite.

    Sad story about the cousin's broken arm. It made a great story! :)

    Loved # 8. Truly random.

    Happy 4th!

  5. You are too funny!
    until next time.... nel

  6. I would LOVE to spend time with the Duggars. I think they're amazing and genuinely sweet people. If I was that good at parenting, I might have had 19 kids too.....well maybe not ;-)

    Poor sweet Carolyn - that just made my stomach hurt thinking about how much that must have hurt.

  7. As a gal with naturally curly hair, your hair product sounds intriguing! Enjoyed reading all of your answers!

  8. I so appreciate the way God made you! You!
    I love your enthusiasm, sweetness and encouragement!
    I'm sorry to hear of your Mom's diagnosis. How much or little motion is tolerable? Ugh.


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